The ESGR welcomes research of various types, all of which are compatible with preservation of the habitats currently present in southeastern Michigan. If you are interested in working at ESGR, you can (1) send the director an email explaining your interest or (2) proceed directly to completing an application form (Research Application), and submitting that to the director. In all cases, a research application must be on file, so you may save yourself some time if you complete the application first.
The ESGR has a limited number of beds, rooms, and apartments available for short- and long-term occupancy (Housing Application). Minimal rental fees are charged to provide for upkeep of the buildings. Rent for long-term residents is to be paid monthly. Payments can be made by credit card (preferred) or cash or check (payable to the University of Michigan) to Michael Ehnis in the Research Museums Center office. Rent for short-term residents will be billed upon completion of visit to the ESGR. Billing arrangements must be made prior to arrival with the Director. Please note that separate fee schedules exist for University of Michigan-affiliated researchers and those with external affiliations.
Rental Fees
UM-affiliated | UM-affiliated | Non-UM | Non-UM |
Daily | Monthly | Daily | Monthly |
$10 | $200 | $20 | $300 |
Cleaning Fees
1-6 Days/Night | 7 or more Days/Nights |
No Charge | $100.00 |
Long-term residents of the ESGR are expected to pay the cost of utilities (electricity and natural gas) for their unit. Please contact the resident maintenance supervisor to coordinate billing for utilities in your name.
Each housing unit on the ESGR contains a full bathroom, refrigerator, stove, and microwave. Each house contains variable number of single and double-occupancy bedrooms furnished with beds, chests of drawers, dining tables and chairs. Basic cooking and eating utensils are also provided. Residents are not permitted to move existing furnishings between units without first receiving permission from the ESGR Director. Light personal furniture may be installed in the units, however no heavy-duty appliances (dishwashers, dryers, washing machines) may be installed. The water supply on the ESGR is from wells and the water is heavily mineralized. Water softeners are supplied to mitigate this problem. A dumpster is located outside the South Gate for trash and garbage. Residents are responsible for transporting their garbage to this dumpster.
All residents are expected to be aware of and respect the General Policies and Use Policies of the ESGR. Senior investigators and students with approved research projects are responsible for the activities of research assistants and others who assist with their projects.