
Coffee, Bagels and Registration (8:00-8:30)

Invited Session I5.1.a Rare events in random topology (8:30-10:15, Room: Great Lakes Central, Chair: P. Embrechts)[expand, title=”(more)”]

Invited Session I5.1.b Spatio-temporal models and inference (8:30-10:15, Room: Forum Hall, Chair: A. Davison)[expand, title=”(more)”]

Coffee Break and Registration (10:15-10:35)

Contributed Session C5.1.a Wave and climate extremes (10:35-12:15, Room: Great Lakes Central, Chair: Ph. Naveau)[expand, title=”(more)”]

Contributed Session C5.1.b Inference methodology (10:35-12:15, Room: Great Lakes North, Chair: J. Beirlant)[expand, title=”(more)”]

Contributed Session C5.1.c Space and time (10:35-11:45, Room: Forum Hall, Chair: M. Ribatet)[expand, title=”(more)”]

Lunch Break (12:15-13:30)

Contributed Session C5.2.a Location of extremes and level crossings (13:30-15:10, Room: Great Lakes Central, Chair: T. Hsing)[expand, title=”(more)”]

Contributed Session C5.2.b Modeling extreme events: terrorism and electricity (13:30-15:10, Room: Great Lakes North, Chair: Cl. Klueppelberg)[expand, title=”(more)”]

Contributed Session C5.2.c Modeling extreme events: precipitation and floods (13:30-15:10, Room: Forum Hall, Chair: P. Whitfield)[expand, title=”(more)”]

Coffee Break (15:10-15:30)

Invited Session I5.2.a Extremes for random fields (15:30-17:15, Room: Great Lakes Central, Chair: S. Stoev)[expand, title=”(more)”]

Invited Session I5.2.b Detection and attribution of climate extremes (15:30-17:15, Room: Forum Hall, Chair: R. Smith)[expand, title=”(more)”]

Conference ends (17:15)