
Coffee, Bagels and Registration (8:00-8:30)

Invited Session I2.1.a Recent advances in rare event analysis (8:30-10:15, Room: Great Lakes Central, Chair: J. Liu)[expand, expanded=”true”, title=”(more)”]

Invited Session I2.1.b Regression, robustness and bias reduction (8:30-10:15, Room: Forum Hall, Chair: A. Guillou)[expand, expanded=”true”, title=”(more)”]

Coffee Break and Registration (10:15-10:35)

Contributed Session C2.1.a Rare event simulation (10:35-11:50, Room: Great Lakes Central, Chair: H. Hult)[expand, expanded=”true”, title=”(more)”]

Contributed Session C2.1.b RARE: Risk analysis, ruin and extremes (10:35-11:50, Room: Great Lakes North, Chair: P. Roy)[expand, expanded=”true”, title=”(more)”]

Contributed Session C2.1.c Time series (10:35-12:15, Room: Forum Hall, Chair: R. Kulik)[expand, expanded=”true”, title=”(more)”]

Lunch Break (12:15-13:30)

Invited Session I2.2.a Extremes for time series (13:30-15:15, Room:  Great Lakes Central, Chair: R. Kulik)[expand, expanded=”true”, title=”(more)”]

Invited Session I2.2.b Extreme quantiles and regression (13:30-15:15, Room:  Forum Hall, Chair: S. Girard)[expand, expanded=”true”, title=”(more)”]

Coffee Break (15:15-15:45)

Contributed Session C2.2.a Gaussian laws (15:45-17:25, Room: Great Lakes Central, Chair: J.-M. Azais)[expand, expanded=”true”, title=”(more)”]

Contributed Session C2.2.b Insurance (15:45-17:25, Room: Great Lakes North, Chair: L. Peng)[expand, expanded=”true”, title=”(more)”]

Contributed Session C2.2.c Regular variation, implicit extremes, inference (15:45-17:25, Room: Forum Hall, Chair: Ph. Soulier)[expand, expanded=”true”, title=”(more)”]

Poster Session (18:00-20:00, Room: Great Lakes Central)