a story that doesn’t have to do with me, dir. Kym McDaniel
Format: Super 8, Video
Length: 7:03min
Finished: 2021
Film Synopsis: As I seek to connect with my partner about their research in bioarchaeology, a conversation emerges about survival and what is left behind after death. tw: death, memory recall
More information: https://www.kymmcdaniel.com/a-story-that-doesnt-have-to-do-with-me
Image Description:
Two white-appearing humans embracing one another, naked, with tattoos, holding on for a long time. Super 8 film, grainy and with a sprocket hovering on the left side of the movie. Hand touching back. Writing in a journal. Glances. Intimacy: kisses, mouth, a nipple. Images of bridges, two naked bodies, faces that seem to look at one another, sky with clouds, a sense of time passing, movement across waterways. Colored horizontal lines, flickering. A shot of a road escarpment, rock and grass above, pulling out to a road. Cars passing. A white screen. Hands reaching up. Film stock, and viewing them. Skin landscapes: two humans in connection. Rain. Journaling, ink on fingers. A cat looks at the camera. More skin and touches. The film ends on open sky. (Petra)
For more SomaFlights, you can purchase the Spring 2023 print issue here.