Meet our new summer undergrad members

We’d like to welcome Safron and Sydni who are all awesome undergrads working with us this summer.

Safron is a senior undergraduate student who is majoring in Chemistry at the University of Minnesota – Morris. As a part of her involvement with the McNair Scholars Program, she is conducting undergraduate research with the #ShultzSquad this summer. Safron will be working with @FqSolaire as they study how organic chemistry students see the relevance in chemistry through writing assignments. After graduating with a BA in Chemistry, she will pursue a PhD in Chemistry and perhaps a Master’s degree in education or #ChemEd. Outside of school and research, Safron spends time painting and drawing and reading fantasy and mystery books alongside her cat, Stanley. You can follow Safron on Instagram @safronleejana.

Meet Sydni! Sydni is a senior undergraduate student at Wayne State University who is spending her summer doing #ChemEd research with the #ShultzSquad. Prior to joining us, Sydni did #ChemBio research with the @FehlLab at Wayne State. After earning her Chemistry Ph.D., Sydni wants to pursue a career in academia and impact education policies at local, state, or national levels. Sydni loves anything to do with food and enjoys cooking, eating, and exploring new restaurants. If she was not doing #CER, Sydni would be a food blogger. In her spare time, Sydni enjoys being outdoors, going to concerts, and exploring music.