CFP for the 46th Annual Meeting of the International T. S. Eliot Society

2–5 July 2025

Dublin, Ireland

The International T. S. Eliot Society invites proposals for papers to be presented at our Annual Meeting, to be held for the first time ever in Ireland, July 2–5, 2025 at Trinity College Dublin. Clearly organized proposals of about 300 words (submitted in MS Word, Google Docs, or PDF form), on any topic reasonably related to Eliot, along with brief biographical sketches, should be emailed by April 1st to, with the subject heading “conference proposal.” Proposals related to Eliot’s connections to Ireland and Irish writers are especially welcome.

Each year the Society presents the Fathman Young Scholar Award to the best paper given by a new Eliot scholar. Graduate students and recent PhDs are eligible (degree received in 2021 or later for those not yet employed in a tenure-track position; 2023 or later for those holding a tenure-track position). If you are eligible for the award, please mention this fact in your submission. The award, which includes a monetary prize, will be announced at the final session of the meeting.

This year’s keynote speaker will be Fran Brearton, Professor of English at Queen’s University Belfast. We’ll be updating our conference information on this site regularly on this page. Check back often and forward this information to friends and colleagues.

We will be holding peer seminars, too: Participants will pre-circulate short position papers to their seminars (c. 1200-1500 words) by June 1st. These discussion-based seminars will meet in the morning of  the first day of the conference. Enrollment is limited to 12 people per seminar, on a first-come basis. Please enroll by May 1st, by sending an email with the subject line “peer seminar” to (include contact information in your email).

The Peer Seminars are in the very early stages of planning; details will be posted on our conference updates page.

A note about hotel reservations: Primary conference lodging is being provided by Trinity College at special conference rates. Printing House Square ensuite single rooms are available for €153, and ensuite double rooms are available for €193. Instructions for booking rooms will be posted soon.

We would be grateful if you would circulate this CFP widely to colleagues and groups who might be interested in joining us in Dublin!

By John Whittier-Ferguson

John Whittier-Ferguson is Professor of English at the University of Michigan and is the current president of the International T. S. Eliot Society