Incredible Hulk 133 p 7 (November 1970)
By Herb Trimpe (1939-2015) and John Severin (1921-2012)
13 x 20 in., ink on paper
Coppola Collection
This is one of my favorite pieces of comic art from the standpoint of telling a story with pictures.
Herb Trimpe was the definitive Hulk artist for the early run of the character’s “Incredible Hulk” stand-alone series, drawing all but 2 issues between 106-193, including the two issues that introduced the Wolverine character (180-181). The issues with John Severin as the inker are memorable for the strength of their collaboration. Severin had a strong sense of weight in his drawing style, which matched up well with Trimpe’s dynamic and thoughtful compositions.
Following a fight where the Hulk’s friend, Jim Wilson, is injured, the military arrives. General Ross approaches the Hulk, who is about to thump Ross when Wilson revives long enough to stop him. Ross tries another shot at reasoning with the Hulk, and is making headway when a trigger-happy soldier loses his cool and attacks the Hulk. The Hulk fights back and flees.
The Hulk ends up in a shipping yard where he seeks shelter in a crate destined for Morvania, and sleeps the entire trip there.