Anatomy of Another Commission (Part 8)

“Take On Me” p 4 (2019)
by Carson Grubaugh (1981- ) and Gerhard (1959- )
and written by Brian P Coppola (1957- )
taken from 11 x 17 in. page, ink on board (pre-watercolor version)
Coppola Collection

 The Rest of Page 4


 Carson is inside the bar, at a table, looking outside in the direction of the Five Bar Gate playing court. Lots of stuff on the table (tankards, glasses half-filled). Perhaps you can see the ball from the game flying by, and the shadows of those who have left the bar to go watch.

Cerebus #202 p 13

 BOOK REF: Rick’s Story

The view from behind the bar, looking over towards the seat where Rick is writing his book. The book is open, being studied intently by Carson.

Cerebus #222 p 18

 BOOK REF: Going Home

 We see Carson on the deck of the boat, moored in the evening, sitting at the table, the lighted portholes showing clearly against the darkness. We know there are conversations taking place.

Cerebus #249 p 14

 BOOK REF: Form and Void

 In their tent at the Ham Earnestway campsite, Jaka has just clipped Cerebus’s hair as he checks it out in a hand-held mirror.

Carson is there, we see the scissors and mirror, and perhaps locks of Cerebus’s hair

Cerebus #253, pp 18-19

Next up: Latter Days, The Last Day, and the last installment of this story

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  1. Pingback: ‘Take On Me’ finished | Gerhard Art

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