“They’re Engaged!”

“They’re Engaged!” (Among Us Mortals, 01/29/1950)
by W.E. (William Ely) Hill (1887-1962)
18.5 x 15 in., ink on board
Coppola Collection

W.E. (William Ely) Hill (1887-1962) was known for his masterful black and white Sunday page, “Among Us Mortals,” sometimes referred to as the Hill Page. Please see the Gallery description for more about Hill.

From this January 29, 1950 edition, titled “They’re Engaged!” some quotes:

“Bachelor friends of the bridegroom-to-be, acting too funny for words. The fat tease is telling the bride-to-be about “a girl Arthur used to be crazy about, a red-head named Ruby who wore a thumb ring.”

“Honey has brought Sweetie to call on his parents. He’s hoping there will be a good impression made on all parties and his watching first one and then another. Sweetie is working feverishly to seem sweet and naïve without appearing simple.’

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