Zhu, Guangya 朱光亚

Nuclear Physicist, Chinese Nuclear Pioneer

Degree: Ph.D. in Physics
Graduation year: 1949




Guangya Zhu was born in December 25th, 1924 in Yichang, Hubei province.[i] He received his early education in Hubei, and later moved to Sichuan province with his family, due to the outbreak of the Second World War.[ii] Young Guangya developed his interests in physics during high school in Sichuan, and he got accepted to the Physics Department at the Natioanl Central University (nowadays the Nanjing University) in 1941. One year later, he transferred to National Southwestern Associated University where he continued his study in physical science, and graduated in 1945. After graduation, Zhu stayed at the University and became a lecturer.[iii] In 1946, Zhu became a graduate student at the University of Michigan, where he later obtained his doctoral degree in physics in 1949.[iv]


Intellectual Influence

Guangya Zhu was noted for his dedication to the Chinese nuclear development, and his great devotion for his country.

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Upon graduating from the University of Michigan in 1950, Zhu wrote an open letter to all the Chinese students in the U.S. and advocating for joining the construction of new China.[v] Zhu became an Associate Professor of Physics at Peking University.[vi] The next year, Zhu published an book Nuclear Energy and Nuclear Weapon [原子能和原子武器], one of the most earliest and foundational publications on recording the systematic nuclear research in China.[vii] In 1959, Zhu was appointed the Associate Director at the Chinese Nuclear Weapon Research Institute at the age of 35, where he becoming a pioneer in the Chinese nuclear weapon.[viii] Zhu’s contribution to the Chinese nuclear development has been greatly appreciated and widely recognized. He was awarded the State Science and Technology Prize in 1985, and an achievement medal in the Chinese Two Bombs, One Satellite projects.[ix]


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*Profile photo obtained from: Ren min wang 人民网 [The people]. Zhu Guangya tong zhi sheng ping 朱光亚同志生平 [A biography of comrade Zhu Guangya] http://scitech.people.com.cn/GB/53945/53950/239566/17213428.html (accessed: April 13 2017)

[i] Ren min wang 人民网 [The people]. Zhu Guangya tong zhi sheng ping 朱光亚同志生平 [A biography of comrade Zhu Guangya] http://scitech.people.com.cn/GB/53945/53950/239566/17213428.html (accessed: April 13 2017)
 [ii]Ren min wang 人民网 [The people]. Zhu Guangya tong zhi sheng ping 朱光亚同志生平 [A biography of comrade Zhu Guangya] http://scitech.people.com.cn/GB/53945/53950/239566/17213428.html (accessed: April 13 2017)
 [iii]Ren min wang 人民网 [The people]. Zhu Guangya tong zhi sheng ping 朱光亚同志生平 [A biography of comrade Zhu Guangya] http://scitech.people.com.cn/GB/53945/53950/239566/17213428.html (accessed: April 13 2017)
 [iv]Ren min wang 人民网 [The people]. Zhu Guangya tong zhi sheng ping 朱光亚同志生平 [A biography of comrade Zhu Guangya] http://scitech.people.com.cn/GB/53945/53950/239566/17213428.html (accessed: April 13 2017)
 [v]Xin hua wang 新华网. 1950 nian Zhu Guangya gei liu mei tong xue de yi feng gong kai xin 1950年朱光亚给留美同学的一封公开信 [A 1950 open letter from Zhu Guangya to all Chinese Students in the U.S.] http://news.xinhuanet.com/overseas/2006-02/12/content_4168221.htm (accessed: April 13 2017)
 [vi] Ren min wang 人民网 [The people]. Zhu Guangya tong zhi sheng ping 朱光亚同志生平 [A biography of comrade Zhu Guangya] http://scitech.people.com.cn/GB/53945/53950/239566/17213428.html (accessed: April 13 2017)
 [vii]Xin hua wang 新华网. Zhu Guangya: Zhongguo ke ji “zhong shuai zhi shuai” 朱光亚:中国科技“众帅之帅”[Zhu Guangya: the commander of commanders in the science in China]. http://news.xinhuanet.com/observation/2011-03/03/c_121144290.htm (accessed: April 13 2017)

[viii] Xin hua wang 新华网. Zhu Guangya: Zhongguo ke ji “zhong shuai zhi shuai” 朱光亚:中国科技“众帅之帅”[Zhu Guangya: the commander of commanders in the science in China]. http://news.xinhuanet.com/observation/2011-03/03/c_121144290.htm (accessed: April 13 2017)

[ix]Zhongguo ke xue yuan 中国科学院 [The Chinese Academy of Science]. Zhu Guangya 朱光亚. http://www.casad.cas.cn/aca/316/ygysmd-200906-t20090624_1791954.html (accessed: April 13 2017)