NSF REU position Summer 2022

A 14-week NSF REU position is available in my lab from May-August 2022. The REU Student will participate in research regarding the effects of elevated maternal glucocorticoids (colloquially referred to as “maternal stress”) on the physiology, behavior, and life history traits of the offspring and design and conduct their own independent research project under the general…

Lab manual

We jointly developed our lab manual a few years ago and continue to try and modify it. Currently we are trying to rebrand our “mission statement” to make it more accessible and inclusive. Check it out here if you are interested (https://osf.io/7npfy/wiki/home/) and thanks to all current and former lab members for helping to create…

Welcome Lauren!

The Dantzer lab is excited to welcome our newest addition, Lauren Petrullo! Lauren is an NSF biology postdoctoral research fellow joining the Dantzer Lab in September 2020. She just finished her PhD at Stony Brook University where she worked with Dr. Amy Lu on vertical microbial transmission and the maturation of the gut microbiome in nonhuman…

Congrats to Charlotte!

Congrats goes to Charlotte for finishing up her MSc. work in our lab and for her doing such a great job on her science communication efforts such as this recent article about her fox squirrel research. We will miss you in Ann Arbor Charlotte but good luck in the PhD program at the University of…

NSF REU position available

A 14-week NSF REU position is available in my lab from May-August 2020. The REU Student will participate in research regarding the effects of elevated maternal glucocorticoids (colloquially referred to as “maternal stress”) on the physiology, behavior, and life history traits of the offspring and design and conduct their own independent research project under the general…

Ben wins awards!

Ben is really honored to win two awards! First, the Frank A. Beach New Investigator Award from the Society for Behavioral Neuroendocrinology. Second, the Distinguished Scientific Award for Early Career Contribution to Psychology from the American Psychological Association (animal learning and behavior, comparative).

Dantzer Lab at #SICB2017

Multiple members of the Dantzer Lab will be presenting at the annual meeting of the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology in New Orleans, Louisiana. Sarah Westrick will be giving an oral presentation about her work regarding the proximate causes and fitness consequences of variation in maternal care behavior in red squirrels. Freya van Kesteren will be…

Lab visitor from Italy!

It was great to host Francesca Santicchia in the Dantzer Lab from Sept-Nov. Francesca is an Italian Ph.D. student advised by Luc Wauters. Her work focuses on relationships among stress, parasites, and animal personality in the incomparable Eurasian red squirrel inhabiting the Italian alps. Francesca was here to carry out some laboratory analyses to measure stress hormone levels in…

Looking for new students for Fall 2017

We are looking for new PhD students to join the lab in Fall 2017. If you are interested, please read in detail the summary about joining the lab here and then contact me.