Patient and Encounter Level Data – DataDirect User Guide

Patient and Encounter Level Data

Many filters have the option to select Patient level data or Encounter level data mode.
Patient level data characteristics do not change from one encounter to the next, and include demographic information about the patient.
Encounter level data characteristics changes for each encounter, and include data like admissions dates, age, weight, insurance type, etc.

The table below lists DataDirect filters and the availability of patient and encounter level data.

Filter NameAvailable Data LevelsExample Data
DemographicsPatientMarital status, race, ethnicity, vital status, social factors
EncountersEncounter Dates (admission, discharge, clinic visit), age, BMI, height, weight,
patient class, visit location, insurance type,
ComorbiditiesPatient or Encounter Name of co-existing disease
DiagnosesPatient or Encounter Diagnosis source, code, type, problem list
ProceduresPatient or EncounterBilling source, procedure name, date
Medication OrdersPatient or EncounterName, date, dose, frequency, quantity
Medication AdministrationPatient or Encounter Name, date, dose, frequency, route
LaboratoryPatient or Encounter Test name, date, result value, units, high/low flag
Orders Patient or Encounter Labs, imaging, nursing, diet orders, etc., order status, date
WaveformPatient or Encounter Location, type of waveform (EKG, pulmonary artery pressure),
duration, date
Biorepository PatientStudy name, specimen type, age at collection
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