
A busy summer at the E. S. George Reserve! In mid-May 2017, the Burnham liana project began griding the 23-ha long-term inventory plot into 20 x 20m cells, which will allow for finer grained mapping and locating individuals in the plot. The 23-ha plot is a part of the international Center for Tropical Forest Science (CTFS) network. Primary Team Members were Lindsay Ford, John Bradtke, Gucci Fan, Krysten Dorfman, and Tegwyn John, the last three working through August on the griding.

Shortly thereafter, Justin Congdon and his field crew returned to continue their project on Turtle Reproduction and Longevity. There were almost 700 turtles captured in the 2016-2017 sample! Stay tuned for updates.

During late June, July, and early August new members were recruited to the Liana Mapping Team and together they mapped, identified, and permanently marked all climbing woody vines over 1cm in diameter on 10 hectares of the 23-ha CTFS plot. Their hard work will form the basis for research publications co-authored by John Bradtke, Olivia Mitchinson and Robyn Burnham, all members of the team. In addition to Lindsay Ford and Gucci Fan, these two UM undergrads were joined by Shelby Stadler to round out the “JLOGS” team of Burnham liana mappers.


By Robyn J Burnham

Robyn is a plant biologist to the bone. She has been interested in plants since she was a small child, sent to weed the parts of the garden she could not destroy. She maintains a teeny organic farm with every vegetable that she can squeeze into its hilltop space. Her real passion is vines, and tropical woody ones (lianas) are the best. Her favorite plant? Depends on which moment you ask her...