Retreat held for Landmark Study of Red Squirrels


The annual meeting of the Kluane Red Squirrel Project ( was held at E.S. George Reserve in December 2018. The Kluane Red Squirrel Project is a 30+ year study of the ecology, evolution, behavior, physiology, and energetics of North American red squirrels in the Yukon, Canada. Members gather each year to discuss squirrel lore as well as project logistics, the latest results, and future research plans. This workshop gathered researchers from Ben Dantzer’s Lab at the University of Michigan along with their collaborators from the University of Alberta, University of Guelph, and the University of Saskatchewan.


By Robyn J Burnham

Robyn is a plant biologist to the bone. She has been interested in plants since she was a small child, sent to weed the parts of the garden she could not destroy. She maintains a teeny organic farm with every vegetable that she can squeeze into its hilltop space. Her real passion is vines, and tropical woody ones (lianas) are the best. Her favorite plant? Depends on which moment you ask her...