Available now: Professor Benjamin Paloff translates the work of Dorota Masłowska

Professor Benjamin Paloff’s recent translation of Dorota Masłowska’s Honey I killed the Cats (2012) is out and receiving some much deserved attention. The publisher, indie darling Deep Vellum, describes the novel as “an incomparably hilarious satire of modern consumer culture, with everything from personality to religion commodified, like Virginie Despentes meets Blade Runner.” This is Paloff’s second translation of Masłowska’s work, the first being his “pitch-perfect” translation of Snow White & Russian Red (2009).

We suggest checking out Ambrose Mary Gallagher’s insightful review of the translation in Michigan Quarterly Review, or, for a quicker read, Matt Janney’s write-up in Calvert Journal or Bridey Heing’s overview in World Literature Today. Can’t wait to dive in? We love this excerpt in Lithub.

Congratulations, Professor Paloff!