Translations of Raunchy French Poetry – Translation Networks

Translations of Raunchy French Poetry

(;c=908696084) This collection has various translations of poems of Charles Baudelaire, specifically many translations of Fleurs du Mal.

Below is an item in my collection. It is marked as an undetermined language, but using Google Translate I quickly found that the text is in Czech.

(Page used for translation:

I also found a document that was incorrectly labeled as French (it’s definitely not). I reported this to HathiTrust and their response was essentially ‘We’ve marked it’s wrong but we don’t know if it’ll be fixed.’ I am very curious as to how the language was determined with French, as OCR should have captured characters that would obviously indicate another language.

In the Sawyer talks, I would say that Mike Furlough’s quote “Well-capitalized companies with an interest in making material from libraries accessible don’t walk into libraries every decade, they don’t do it every generation, they do it once in a lifetime.” was the most interesting. It’s exciting as adding new technology with the immense resources we have in text but also sad that these collaborations and pursuits are so rare. It definitely emphasized that access (keyword) is sometimes taken for granted when it becomes so normalized in an environment like ours.

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