Center for Research on Learning and Teaching
The Center for Research on Learning and Teaching (CRLT) has an extensive list of online resources that define inclusive teaching and provide specific strategies for practicing it. In addition, CRLT provides links to blogs on inclusive teaching; resources for responding to difficult moments; and information about the CRLT Players, CRLT’s theater program that provides performances to spark dialogue about issues of diversity, inclusive teaching and learning, and institutional climate.
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI)
The University of Michigan’s DEI website provides information and resources related to DEI plans, resources, programs, research, news, and honors/awards.
Program on Intergroup Relations (IGR)
Through CommonGround, a program offered by IGR, trained undergraduate and graduate students facilitate interactive workshops that help promote social identity development and enhance group dynamics while building a community of social justice advocates on campus. CommonGround facilitates workshops about social identities (race, gender, socioeconomic status, etc.), prejudice, stereotyping, power, privilege, and oppression, and are customized to your group or class’s needs.
Michigan in Color is the Michigan Daily’s opinion section designated as a space for and by students of color at the University of Michigan.
The Spectrum Center’s Education and Training team works with students, faculty, and community members to discuss best practices when creating and maintaining spaces open to LGBTQ+ identified individuals. They offer Basics of Gender & Attractionality and Allyhood Development Trainings and are happy to work with individuals to design a workshop, training, or panel that best meets the needs of their classroom or organization.
In addition to all their services for students, Sweetland offers consultations and workshops for instructors and students across the University and assists faculty who are teaching multilingual students with resources and seminars.
The Ginsberg Center supports faculty, academic program staff, and GSIs doing community engagement in the following ways: 1) by connecting with community organizations, 2) by preparing students for community engagement, 3) by designing or refining community-engaged courses, research projects, and programs, and 4) by assessing the impact of community-engaged courses, research, and programs.