Site “How to” User Guide – Equitable Teaching


This page serves as a “How to” User Guide for our website. We will detail general navigation of the site and suggest pages to begin your exploration in Equitable Teaching for novice practitioners or deepen your understanding by exploring our curated/topical pages for experienced practitioners.

Site Navigation

Our website is broken into multiple sections. Along the top menu bar are permanent fixtures/menu options of site, that divide our resources into Inclusive Teaching at UM, Testimonials, Planning, and Activities. Each of these menu options contains a specific type of resource.

  • Equitable Teaching at UM – In this dropdown menu, you will find the research basis for practicing Equitable Teaching, an extensive list of recommended readings in the format of an annotated bibliography, information about the formation of the Inclusive Campus Collaborative and how to get in contact with us, answers to frequently asked questions and a reuse permissions guide to inform how these materials can be used outside this website.
  • Testimonials – Here, you will find a selection of testimonials and stories from both instructors and students about the nature, successes, and challenges of equitable teaching. Witnessing these stories can help illuminate the nuance and importance of equitable teaching practice. You will also find videos demonstrating equitable teaching activities.
  • Planning – An equitable classroom environment starts with course and syllabus design, reaches through day-to-day interactions, and extends all the way to assessment practices for student work. Here, you will find a range of resources that will assist you in fostering inclusivity at every step of the way.
  • Activities – Here, you will find a selection of resources that are appropriate for a variety of classroom settings. Each activity includes the overview, goals, and instructions for implementing the activity successfully and includes advice on how to best utilize it.

Our Curated Pages

Additionally, we have curated specific resources for different classroom settings that are timely and topical. These are organized into Buttons on our Homepage that can be clicked and explored in greater detail. They include:

  • Practicing Anti-Racist PedagogyEvery decision we make either reinforces/reproduces or disrupts White Supremacy. Anti-racist pedagogy involves the everyday intentional choices we make as educators to disrupt White Supremacy. We practice anti-racist pedagogy by acknowledging the systems of oppression that have been historically constructed and continue to privilege whiteness at the expense of Black Indigenous People of Color.
  • Resources for Large Courses“Large courses” are defined differently on different campuses as the concept of “large” tends to be relative to the campus. However, the University of Michigan Center for Research on Learning and Teaching (CRLT) defines large as courses with 75 or more students. Improving equitable pedagogical practices in large courses is an ever-increasing necessity as university enrollments increase and student bodies become more diverse. This page provides resource and activity guides that can aid in making your large course a more equitable space.
  • Resources for Online CoursesOnline courses and degree offerings are becoming more prevalent in higher education. Moreover, as classes have moved to an online format in light of COVID-19, what many institutions are currently implementing is best described as emergency remote teaching, creating a greater need for equitable teaching practices. While there are many considerations to make for an online course, planning from a mindset of equity and accessibility ensures that you are taking a student-centered approach. This page provides resource and activity guides that can aid in making your online course a more equitable space.
  • Resources for STEM CoursesSTEM classrooms are often overlooked in the area of equitable education. Yet there is a pressing need for equitable teaching practices in the STEM field as it faces challenges of under-representation in academia and the workforce. Additionally, stereotype threat is a common threat that many underrepresented groups may face in the STEM field. This page provides resource and activity guides that can aid in making your STEM course a more inclusive space.

Suggestions for Novice Practitioners

If you are new to Equitable Teaching, we suggest the following pages as starting points in your inquiry of Equitable Teaching:

  • Overview and Research Page – This page details what Equitable Teaching is and why it is important to be a practitioner of Equitable Teaching. Start Here if you want general background information on Inclusive Teaching and an orientation to the topic.
  • Planning Page – This page details the importance of planning in relation to Equitable Teaching. Start Here to expand your own knowledge base with resource guides that explore major themes and practices in Equitable Teaching.
  • Recommended Readings – This page contains an annotated bibliography of a variety of readings, organized thematically. Start here if you are someone who generally appreciates readings lists or bibliographies to explore best practices.
  • Glossary – This page contains terms and definitions that may be new to you as you explore our website. Start here if you want to build your Equitable teaching vocabulary.

Suggestions for Experienced Practitioners

If you have visited our site previously and are back for more content, we suggest the follow pages as they are timely and topically relevant:

  • Activity Page – This page details activities that can be implemented in your classroom to promote equity. Start here if you have a foundational understanding of equitable teaching principles and best practices and want to begin incorporating equitable teaching activities into your class.

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