China Publications – Global Feminisms Project

China Publications

Publications that draw from the China site of GFP.

Frederick, J., & Stewart, A. J. (2018).  “I became a lioness”: Pathways to feminist identity among women’s movement activists. Psychology of Women Quarterly42(3), 263-278. 

Huo, H., Qi, H., & Newton, N. (2022). “Examining identity and generativity among middle‐aged female activists in two cultural contexts.” Journal of Adult Development. (On-line version.)

Lal, Jayati, Kristin McGuire, Abigail J. Stewart, Magdalena Zaborowska, Justine M. Pas. “Recasting Global Feminisms: Toward a Comparative Historical Approach to Women’s Activism and Feminist Scholarship.” Feminist Studies 36: 1 (Spring 2010): 13-39. (On-line version.)

McGuire, Kristin, Abigail J. Stewart, Nicola Curtin. “Becoming Feminist Activists: Comparing Narratives.” Feminist Studies 36, no. 1 (Spring 2010): 99-125

Pas, Justyna, Magda Zaborowska. “The Other Women’s Lives. Translation Strategies in the Global Feminisms Project.” In Olga Castro and Emek Ergun, eds. Feminist Translation Studies. Local and Transnational Perspectives (Routledge: 2017): 139-150.

Rios, Desdamona, Abigail J. Stewart. (2013). “Recognizing Privilege by Reducing Invisibility: The Global Feminisms Project as a Pedagogical Tool.” In Kim A. Case, ed. Deconstructing Privilege: Teaching and Learning as Allies in the Classroom (pp. 115-131). New York: Routledge.

Savas, O., & Stewart, A.J. (2018). Alternative pathways to activism: Intersections of social and personal pasts in the narratives of women’s rights activists.  Qualitative Psychology. online

Stewart, Abigail J., Jayati Lal, Kristin McGuire. “Expanding the Archives of Global Feminisms: Narratives of Feminism and Activism.” Signs 36:4 (Summer 2011): 889-914.

Zheng, Wang, “Feminists Struggles in a Changing China.” In Women’s Movements in the Global Era : The Power of Local Feminisms, edited by Amrita Basu, 155-81. 2nd ed. Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 2017.

Zheng, Wang, Ying Zhang. “Global Concepts, Local Practices: Chinese Feminism since the Fourth UN Conference on Women.” Feminist Studies 36, no. 1 (Spring 2010): 40-70.

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