Flavia Agnes
Flavia Agnes, born in 1947, is a women's rights lawyer and writer, having written extensively on issues of domestic violence, feminist jurisprudence and minority rights. At last contact she was co-ordinating the legal centre of MAJLIS and engaged in her doctoral research on Property Rights of Married Women with the National Law School of India. A GFP staff member was recently able to conduct a second interview with Flavia. Keywords and links for the latest interview are found to the right of the semi-colon in the lists below.
Keywords: feminist conferences, politics and the law, intersectionality
Media: [2003 Interview]: (English), Video, Bibliography, YouTube Video; [2017 Interview]: (English), YouTube Video, Name Pronunciation Audio

Ai Xiaoming
Ai Xiaoming, born in 1953, is a feminist literary scholar and the co-producer and director of the Chinese version of The Vagina Monologues, one of the activities of the Stop Domestic Violence network. She is Deputy Director of the Women's Studies Center and director of the Sex/Gender Education Forum in Zhongshan University, Guangzhou.
A chapter in Gender Dynamics, Feminist Activism and Social Transformation in China published by Ke Qianting in 2019 discussing the Vagina Monologues in China can be found here.
Keywords: feminist conferences, media, academia and women's studies, education, gender-based violence, politics and the law, reform of domestic/family roles
Media: Transcript (English, Mandarin), Video (English, Mandarin), Bibliography, YouTube Video (Mandarin, English Dubbed), Name Pronunciation Audio

Norie Ape
Norie Ape is a Samoan-born, Auckland-raised and now Wellington-based Digital Product Manager (or ‘technology explainerer’) at Te Pukenga [New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology] specifically within the Building and Construction Industry Training Organization [BCITO]. In this role, Norie works alongside cognitively diverse technology teams and connects with the people who use digital services to design, build and implement digital solutions that enable better outcomes in vocational education in Aotearoa [New Zealand] with particular focus on Māori, Pasifika, and disabled learners & employers. In March 2023, Norie attended the 67th session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW67) in New York as the New Zealand Government NGO Delegate to provide high-level advice on the priority theme of “innovation and technological change, and education in the digital age for achieving gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls” and liaise with non-governmental organizations across Aotearoa. Norie has experience in the public, private and not-for-profit sectors and is passionate about increasing the number of Māori and Pasifika Women in Tech and leveraging a multi-stakeholder approach between government, civil society and private/industry to connect and collaborate to utilize technology for positive outcomes. Within New Zealand Norie is a member of P.A.C.I.F.I.C.A Inc, National Council for Women, InternetNZ, Digital Equity Coalition Aotearoa, TechWomen NZ, United Nations Association of New Zealand & Pacific Data Sovereignty Network & Pasifika in IT.
Keywords: indigenous issues, politics and the law, education
Media: Transcript, YouTube Video

Mónica Baltodano
Mónica Baltodano, born in 1954, began her activism with the Sandinistas as a student and continued her efforts through underground mobilization, surviving imprisonment and torture. She was awarded the title of Commander Guerrilla for her service, and has held a number of political offices including Vice Minister of the Presidency and Minister of Regional Affairs. Upon leaving the FSLN in 2005, Ms. Baltodano helped to found the Movement to Reclaim Sandinismo (known as El Rescate).
Keywords: education, gender-based violence, imprisonment, politics and the law
Media: Transcripts (English, Spanish), Video (English, Spanish), Bibliography, English YouTube Video, Name Pronunciation Audio

Grace Lee Boggs
Grace Lee Boggs (1915-2015) was an activist and writer. A daughter of Chinese immigrants, she moved to Detroit and worked in grassroots projects together with her partner, James Boggs. They founded Detroit Summer, an intergenerational multicultural youth movement, and wrote in the Michigan Citizen newspaper. She published her autobiography, Living for Change, and among others, received the distinguished Alumna Award from Barnard College, the Chinese American Pioneers Award from the Organization of Chinese Americans, and a lifetime achievement award from the Anti-Defamation League. A plaque in her honor is at the National Women's Hall of Fame in Seneca Falls, NY. The GFP staff were saddened by Grace's death in 2015. Read the NYT obituary to learn more about her remarkable life, spanning a full century, as a human rights activist.
Keywords: gender and health, community activism, education, intersectionality, politics and the law
Media: Transcript (English), Video, Bibliography, YouTube Video, Name Pronunciation Audio

Angela Tullio Cataldo
Angela Tullio Cataldo was born in 1985 in Rome. She received a Master’s degree from Roma Tre University and works as a researcher, studying the Roma.
Keywords: international rights, politics and the law
Media: Transcript (Italian, English), YouTube Video (Italian, English Subtitles)

Carla Catena
Carla Catena was born in Ancona in 1963. She graduated in literature from the University of Bologna and works as a marketing project manager. She is active with the Lesbian Association Bologna.
Keywords: community activism, LGBTQ+ rights, politics and the law
Media: Transcript (Italian, English), YouTube Video (Italian, English Subtitles)

Valentina Coletta
Valentina Coletta was born in Campania, a region of Naples in 1985. She identifies as trans and intersex. She graduated with a degree in psychology from a university in Rome. She works with the Transsexual Identity Movement (MIT) to fight for transgender rights, including with migrants.
Keywords: gender and health, LGBTQ+ rights, reform of domestic/family roles, politics and the law
Media: Transcript (Italian, English), YouTube Video (Italian, English Subtitles)

Elisa Dal Molin
Elisa Dal Molin was born in Feltre, in the province of Belluno, in 1975. She obtained a four-year degree in oriental languages and literature (Chinese). She has worked for many years as the regional representative for Famiglie Arcobaleno. Since the fall of 2018, she has worked as the Secretary of the Famiglie Arcobaleno (national directive).
Keywords: politics and the law, LGBTQ+ rights, community activism, reform of domestic/family roles
Media: Transcript (Italian, English), YouTube Video (Italian, English Subtitles)

Violeta Delgado
Violeta Delgado was born in 1969, participating in the National Literacy Campaign when she was just 11 years old, kicking off a lifetime of political participation and activism. She became involved in a campaign to end domestic violence. She has done consulting, run for the National Assembly, and now works with CINCO - an organization that researches the media's role in society and politics. In 2005, Delgado was part of the group of 1000 Peacewomen that was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.
Keywords: feminist conferences, gender and health, education, gender-based violence, politics and the law
Media: Transcript (English, Spanish), Video (English, Spanish), Bibliography, YouTube Video (English, Spanish) Name Pronunciation Audio

Kerri Du Pont
Kerri Du Pont is Senior Project Manager for the Ministry of Social Development. Coming from a background in brand and digital strategy and design, she emigrated to Aotearoa New Zealand in 1996 to work as a Senior Lecturer at Massey’s School of Design. Kerri has worked in strategic communications and project management in the public service since 2018. She has worked in central government and service delivery agencies advising on strategic communications, policy, reporting and risk assessment for managers, senior leaders and ministers, and has contributed to the delivery of key initiatives for diversity and inclusion and social cohesion across the system. She helped design the strategic priorities for the public sector-wide Government Women’s Network and significantly grew its membership and visibility. She has also been a trans-Tasman representative on a disability working group and contributes to the New Zealand Government Web community for accessibility.
Kerri is also a Board member for the National Council of Women of New Zealand where she leads the communications strategy for the organisation.
She was instrumental in the recent launch of both the results of the 2023 gender attitudes survey and the platform of women's resources, listed below:
https://www.pockety.org.nz/ (A hub for services for women, developed and launched by Kerri Du Pont.)
https://genderequal.nz/ga-survey/ (Website of Gender Equal NZ, led by the National Council of Women of New Zealand. The results of the 2023 gender attitudes survey are available on this site in both summary format and pdf.)
Keywords: academia and women's studies, international rights, politics and the law
Media: Transcript, YouTube Video

Jarjum Ete
Jarjum Ete, born in 1963, belongs to the Galo tribe and is the Chairperson of the Arunachal Pradesh State Commission on Women which discusses women's participation in panchayats, customary laws, need for a state women's commission and anti-liquor laws. She has very strong views on legalisation of prostitution.
Keywords: gender and health, community activism, gender-based violence, sex work, intersectionality, politics and the law
Media: Transcript (English), Video, Bibliography, YouTube Video, Name Pronunciation Audio

Dr. Joy Ngozi Ezeilo
Dr. Joy Ngozi Ezeilo is professor of law and the Dean of the Law School, University of Nigerian (UNN). She has been the lead professor of the "Women, Children, and the Law" class at the UNN since 1997. An activist and feminist scholar, Dr. Ezeilo was appointed the UN Special Rapporteur on trafficking in persons between 2008 and 2014, during which time she traveled to several countries to determine the causes, mechanisms, and scope of human trafficking. She is an active member of the civil society movement in Nigeria, where she founded the Women’s Aid Collective (WACOL), a not-for-profit that works to promote and protect the rights of women and girls. She is the founder and moderator of the West African Women’s Rights Coalition (WAWORC).
Keywords: politics and the law, reform of domestic/family roles, gender-based violence, academia and women's studies, environment, feminist conferences
Media: Name Pronunciation Audio, Transcript, Video, YouTube Video

Ge Youli
Ge Youli, born in 1962, is the China Country Director for the Global Alliance for Workers and Communities in Guangzhou. She has worked at the Ford Foundation and at the United Nations Development Program in Beijing, becoming involved in many feminist projects in China.
Keywords: feminist conferences, gender-based violence, politics and the law, reform of domestic/family roles
Media: Transcript (English, Mandarin), Video (English, Mandarin), Bibliography, YouTube Video (Mandarin, English Dubbed), Name Pronunciation Audio

Xueqin (Sophia) Huang
Xueqin (Sophia) Huang was born in 1988 in Shaoguang, Gangdong province. She graduated from Jinan University. She used to work as a journalist for a national news agency and progressive newspaper. She is freelancing now, writing for Southern Metropolis Weekly, The Livings, The Initium Media and NGOCN. Her reporting focuses on democracy development, civil society and the rights of disadvantaged groups in China. She published a report on workplace sexual harassment of Chinese female journalists in 2017, which ignited and promoted #Metoo movement in China. She is dedicated to women's rights and advocacy for anti-sexual harassment law. In 2019 she was jailed for several months for her reporting on Hong Kong's pro-democracy movement. Read more about Xueqin (Sophia) Huang and her activism in the face of political repression here.
Keywords: gender-based violence, media, politics and the law, community activism
Media: Transcript (English, Mandarin)

Indira Huilca Flores
Indira Huilca Flores, born in 1988, is a sociologist and progressive feminist activist. She received her degree in Sociology from the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, in Lima, and studied for a Master's in Political Science and Government at the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru. In 2013 she was elected councilor of the Metropolitan Municipality of Lima, where she joined the Commissions for Urban Development, Environment, Women and Neighborhood Participation. In this capacity, she promoted the creation of the Women's Management as the body responsible for public policies on gender equality in Metropolitan Lima. She was elected to Congress in 2016 and her work had three priorities: gender, diversity and human rights; labor rights and unionization; and the right to the city and public spaces. As a Congresswoman, she was the President of the Committee on Women and Family and a member of the Committee on Labor and Social Security in which she worked for the rights of women, workers, and the LGTBI community. She was also outspoken in calling the first congressional plenary session on women held in May 2018. In 2017 she joined the new political party New Peru and was the elected official spokesperson for the period 2019-2020. In 2019, she resigned from the New Peru Movement after the dissolution of Congress led to the movement to support electoral alliances in the congressional elections of January 2020.
Keywords: politics and the law
Media: Transcript (Spanish, English), Video, YouTube Video (Spanish, English Subtitles), Name Pronunciation Audio

Prue Hyman
Prue Hyman, born in England in 1943, is a feminist economist. She moved to New Zealand in 1969 to work at Victoria University, Wellington, eventually becoming an Associate Professor of Economics and Gender and Women's Studies until controversial restructuring between 2008 and 2010 abolished Gender and Women's Studies. She has also advised the New Zealand government through her work at the Ministry of Women’s Affairs (1989-1990). Hyman studies the personal aspects of economics, such as how work is valued, with a particular focus on living wages and pay equity.
She has written two books: Women and Economics: A New Zealand Feminist Perspective (1994), and Hopes Dashed?: The Economics of Gender Inequality (2017). In 2000, she was commissioned by the New Zealand Police Force to write an influential report titled Women in CIB: Opportunities for and Barriers to the Recruitment, Progress and Retention of Women in the Criminal Investigation Branch. While retired from university work, she continues to champion gender pay equity issues.
Keywords: academia and women's studies, intersectionality, politics and the law
Media: Transcript, YouTube Video

Juanita Jiménez
Juanita Jiménez was born in 1967. She is a lawyer, a leader in the Women's Autonomous Movement, and a longtime activist focusing primarily on women's health and reproductive rights. In recent years, she has become particularly active in protesting the 2006 law that outlawed all forms of abortion in Nicaragua. She has faced political persecution for her work in favor of abortion, and in particular for her support of a 9-year-old girl who had an abortion after being sexually abused.
Keywords: gender-based violence, politics and the law, reproductive rights
Media: Transcript (English, Spanish), Video (English, Spanish), Bibliography, YouTube Video (English, Spanish), Name Pronunciation Audio

Sue Kedgley
Sue Kedgley was one of the early leaders of the women’s liberation movement in New Zealand.
She set up the Auckland University women’s liberation group in 1971 and the National Organisation for Women in 1972. She helped organise a high-profile tour of internationally acclaimed feminist Germaine Greer to New Zealand in 1972 and co-authored the first book about women’s liberation in New Zealand, entitled Sexist Society.
Kedgley attended the first international feminist conference at Boston in 1973 and then worked as a Communications Officer in the Women’s Secretariat at the United Nations, New York, helping to organise the first international women’s conference at Mexico City in 1975 and coordinate International Women’s Year 1975. She helped set up the UN women’s group and was active in it for the 8 years she worked at the United Nations. She was Assistant Secretary of the second United Nations Conference for Women, which was held in Copenhagen in 1980.
Returning to New Zealand in 1982, she worked for a decade as a television reporter, director, and producer, then entered local politics as a Wellington City Councillor from 1992 until 1999 when she was elected a Member of Parliament (MP) for the Green Party, serving as an MP from 1999 until 2011. She was women’s spokesperson for the Green party and Deputy Chairperson (1999-2005) and subsequently Chairperson of the New Zealand Parliament Health Select Committee (2005-2008). Sue was a Wellington Regional Councillor for six years and has served on several boards, including the National Board of UN Women Aotearoa New Zealand. She continues to be active in women’s issues and is a Convenor at the National Organisation for Women New Zealand.
Kedgley has written six books on feminist issues, including Sexist Society (1972; co-edited with Sharon Cederman), Mum’s the Word: The Untold Story of Motherhood in New Zealand (1996), and most recently, a memoir entitled Fifty Years a Feminist (2021). In 2016, she received a New Zealand Women of Influence Award in recognition of her work towards greater gender diversity in the workplace, and in 2020, she was appointed an Officer of the New Zealand Order of Merit (ONZM) for services to women and governance.
Keywords: community activism, politics and the law, reform of domestic/family roles
Media: Transcript, YouTube Video

Yelena Viktorovna Kochkina
Yelena Viktorovna Kochkina, born in 1956, began working in gender research in 1990. Her work focuses on a gender analysis of legal reform in Russia, structural adjustment programs and the implementation of equal opportunity policies in Russia, as well as gender in the Russian education system. She is a research fellow and professor at the Institute of Social and Economic Studies of the Population at the Russian Academy of Sciences.
Keywords: academia and women's studies, politics and the law, intersectionality, community activism, reform of domestic/family roles, feminist conferences
Media: Transcript (English, Russian), YouTube Video (English, Russian), Name Pronunciation Audio

Marian Kramer
Marian Kramer (interviewed with Maureen Taylor) at last contact was the co-chair of the National Welfare Rights Union. She has fought government programs, such as Workfare, defended poor women against unjust persecution for welfare fraud and led campaigns to elect the victims of poverty to political office. She has organized poor people's movements, housing takeovers by people without homes, and led efforts to unionize in the South. She has received many community service awards and mentors college students fighting poverty. Taylor and Kramer spoke at a rally in Detroit, Michigan in June 2020, and a video of their speech recorded by the group Detroit Will Breathe can be found here.
Keywords: gender and health, media, community activism, politics and the law
Media: Transcript (English), Video, Bibliography, YouTube Video, Name Pronunciation Audio

Barbara Labuda
Barbara Labuda was born in 1949 and studied Romance languages in Poznan, Poland as well as Ecole Normale Superieure in Paris, France. Labuda became active in anti-communist organizations in the 1970s for which she was imprisoned in 1982. In 1996, she began serving in President Aleksander Kwasniewski's Cabinet. She admits that the anticommunist organizations with which she worked did not support women's rights.
Keywords: imprisonment, politics and the law, reproductive rights
Media: Transcript (English, Polish), Video (English, Polish), Bibliography, English YouTube Video, Name Pronunciation Audio

Li Huiying
Li Huiying, born in 1957, is Professor of Sociology and assistant Director of the Women Research Center of the Central Party School, providing training for senior level Chinese Communist Party officials. She has succeeded in incorporating courses on gender studies in the official curriculum and runs feminist workshops for faculty nationwide.
Keywords: feminist conferences, academia and women's studies, education, politics and the law, reform of domestic/family roles, rural women and land reform
Media: Transcript (English, Mandarin), Video (English, Mandarin), Bibliography, YouTube Video (Mandarin, English Dubbed), Name Pronunciation Audio

Liu Bohong
Liu Bohong, born in 1951, is Deputy Director of the Institute of Research on Women of the All-China Women's Federation, circulating feminism and promoting gender-awareness in the Chinese government system, notably formulating national programs that implement the 1995 UN Platform for Action.
Keywords: academia and women's studies, education, gender-based violence, politics and the law, reproductive rights, rural women and land reform
Media: Transcript (English, Mandarin), Video (English, Mandarin), Bibliography, YouTube Video (Mandarin, English Dubbed), Name Pronunciation Audio

Elisa Manici
Elisa Manici was born in La Spezia in 1975. She received her master’s degree in journalism from the University of Bologna. She works as a penniless journalist and temporary librarian. She has been involved in various groups, including Leftist Youth, ArciLesbica, and Cassero.
Keywords: LGBTQ+ rights, intersectionality, politics and the law
Media: Transcript (Italian, English), YouTube Video (Italian, English Subtitles)

Vina Mazumdar
Vina Mazumdar (1927-2013) was a professor and past fellow of the Indian Institute of Advanced Studies, serving on the Committee on the Status of Women in India and later directing the Programme of Women's Studies at the Indian Council of Social Science Research. She founded the Centre for Women's Development Studies and became its Chairperson. The GFP staff note with sadness the death of Vina in 2013. To learn more about her contribution to women's movement in India, read her public obituary written in The Hindu Paper.
Keywords: feminist conferences, academia and women's studies, rural women and land reform, politics and the law
Media: Transcript (English), YouTube Video, Video, Bibliography, Name Pronunciation Audio

Ruth Meena
Prof. Ruth Meena (known as Dada Ruti) was born in Moshi in 1946; she is a feminist, human right activist, scholar and author of several publications on gender and women empowerment. She was the first female Tanzanian Professor at the Department of Political Science and Public Administration and served 27 years at University of Dar es salaam, after serving 9 years at both teachers colleges and secondary schools. In 1991 she coordinated the Gender Program for East and Southern Africa under SAPES, based in Harare, Zimbabwe, forming a network of scholars that produced a book titled Southern Africa, Conceptual and Theoretical Issues. She is a co-founder and the first chairperson of the board of Environmental and Human Rights, Care and Gender Organization, an active member of the Tanzania Gender Networking Program (TGNP) co-founder and member of the Board of Trustees of the Women Fund-Trust, (WFT-Trust). In 2013 she actively engaged in the women’s rights movement in demanding incorporation of women’s rights in the constitutional review process. She has published, authored or co-authored and edited various books, reports, journal articles, and papers on gender, women empowerment and feminist discourses.
Keywords: academia and women's studies, education, politics and the law
Media: Transcript, YouTube Video

Heidi Meinzolt-Depner
Heidi Meinzolt-Depner is a language teacher, engaged since the 1970s in the peace movement and transnational political activism. She is a member of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, and she focuses on alternatives to traditional 'security' politics. She was one of the co-founders of the Greens in Bayern. From 1987 to 1991, she became regional spokeswoman for the Greens in Bayern, as part of the Alliance 90/The Greens coalition. During her political career within the Greens, she took on multiple roles, including as spokesperson for the Bavarian state association and for regional and national task forces on European and peace politics. She was board member of the European Greens, as well as district chair and candidate to the German and European Parliaments. She left the Greens Bayern in 2001 after 19 years, to focus on her engagement on other initiatives and in NGOs.
Keywords: politics and the law, education
Media: Transcript (English, German), Video, YouTube Video (English, German), Name Pronunciation Audio

Sigrid Metz-Goeckel
Sigrid Metz-Goeckel was born in August 1940 in Pietraszyn, a village in southern Poland, close to the Czech border. She is a scientist and a frontier worker between science and science policy. She has been committed to social justice and improving the situation of women as a member of civil society, which led her to found the "Defiant Women" Foundation (Stiftung Aufmüpfige Frauen) in 2004. She studied Economics at Mainz University (1960-61) and Sociology at Goethe University Frankfurt (1961-1966), and then pursued doctoral studies in social psychology and political science at the University of Gießen (1968-1972). She became a Sociology Professor at the Technical University Dortmund (Technischen Universität Dortmund) in 1976. Between 1976 and 2005, she was director of the Center for Higher Education of the University of Dortmund and an expert member of numerous commissions and councils, including for the German parliament. She also acted as initiator and spokesperson for the first graduate program in women's studies (1993-1999) and doctoral program of the Hans Blöcker Foundation from 2001-2008.
Keywords: academia and women's studies, politics and the law
Media: Transcript (English, German), YouTube Videos (German, English), Name Pronunciation Audio, Video,

Diana Miloslavich Túpac
Diana Miloslavich Túpac was born in Huancayo, likely in the late 1950s or early 1960s. Diana is the Director of one of the most important women’s organizations in Perú, an expert on advancing women’s policy, and an accomplished author with more than 40 years of experience working to advance women’s political participation and human rights in Perú. She obtained a Masters in Literature at the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos and was a Ph.D. Candidate in Social Sciences, specializing in History with the thesis "History of the Political Participation of Women in Perú." Diana has participated in the execution of numerous projects in the promotion of legal and political initiatives related to women’s rights. For example, as part of the Women's Forum in Perú, she presented the first proposals for gender quotas and domestic violence in 1991. She was an advisor to the Women's Commission of the Municipality of Lima and of the creation of the Pro Equity Office from 1999 to 2002. In 2003, she was part of the team with the Ministry of Women and Social Development. In 2011, she was part of the Transfer Commission of the new government, and later Head of the Cabinet of Advisers to the Minister for Women. Diana has also participated in various projects with organizations such as: Equality Now, DAWN, RENAMA, Social Watch, UN Women, UNIFEM, UNFPA, UNICEF, DIAKONIA, CUSO, NOVIB, Oxfam, UE, and USAID, among others. Most recently, she was a major player in the campaign to promote and pass the newly established Gender Parity Law (Law No. 31030, 2020. Diana is currently the Director of the Political Participation and Decentralization Program of the Peruvian Women's Center, Flora Tristán, a key feminist institution created in 1979 with a focus on women’s rights. She is also an accomplished author (select titles): The Autobiography of Maria Elena Moyano: The Life And Death Of A Peruvian (1992), with editions in Spain and translated in Italy, USA and Japan); Women's Literature, A look from feminism (2012); Flora Tristan: Peregrinations of an Outcast at the Fair (2019); Feminism and Suffrage 1933-1956 (2015); Political Harassment in Peru: A look at Electoral Processes (2016), Gender, Parity and Disaster Risk Management (2019), publishing both through Flora Tristán and an academic press in the U.S.
Keywords: community activism, politics and the law
Media: Transcript (Spanish, English), Video, YouTube Video (Spanish, English Subtitles), Name Pronunciation Audio

Sofía Montenegro
Sofía Montenegro was born in 1954, spending her teenage years in the United States and joining the Sandinistas as a student in Nicaragua. After the Sandinista's triumph, she became editor of the official Sandinista newspaper, Barricada, and was responsible for the funding of the weekly supplement Gente. At last contact, she was the Executive Director of the Centro de Investigación de la Comunicación (CINCO), a Managua-based think-tank the focuses on communication, culture, democracy, and public opinion.
Keywords: politics and the law
Media: Transcript (English), Video, Bibliography, Name Pronunciation Audio

Michela Murgia
Michela Murgia was born in 1972 in Sardinia. She worked as a writer, blogger, playwright, literary critic, and television and newspaper columnist with the Gedi Group. She has won several awards for her fiction, in particular for Accabadora, for which she received the Campiello prize, and also for non-fiction, for Ave Mary and Istruzioni per diventare fascisti, with the publisher Einaudi in Turin. Already a supporter of Sardinian independence and politically active on the left, she was also committed to women’s rights. Michela Murgia passed away on August 10, 2023.
Keywords: art/writing as activism, politics and the law
Media: Transcript (Italian, English), YouTube Video (Italian, English Subtitles)

Vilma Núñez
Vilma Núñez, born in 1938, served as the first woman on Nicaragua's Supreme Court after the Sandinista Revolution. As a student, she became a member of the FSLN and participated in the anti-Somoza struggle, until she was imprisoned for these efforts in 1979. Núñez has been unofficially banished from the FSLN after running for president against Daniel Ortega and defending charges of sexual abuse against him. Núñez founded the Nicaraguan Center for Human Rights (CENIDH) in 1990.
Keywords: gender-based violence, human trafficking/prostitution, imprisonment, international rights, politics and the law
Media: Transcript (English, Spanish), Video , Bibliography, Name Pronunciation Audio

Katharina Oguntoye

Martha Ojeda
Martha Ojeda, born in 1956, is the Executive Director of the Tri-National Coalition for Justice in the Maquiladora, where she directs the Maquiladora Worker Empowerment Project. While a worker in the Free Trade Zone factories, she led the Nuevo Laredo Sony Movement and wrote a manual on Mexican Federal Labor Law. She has received the Petra Foundation Award, "Troublemaker of the Year" by Mother Jones Magazine, and the Quality of Life Champion's Public Service Award.
Keywords: environment, international rights, intersectionality, politics and the law
Media: Transcript (English), Video, Bibliography, YouTube Video, Name Pronunciation Audio

Maria da Penha Maia Fernandes
Maria da Penha Maia Fernandes was born in 1945 in Fortaleza, Ceará. She is a leader in the struggle against domestic violence in Brazil. Victimized by her husband in 1983, she was the first to successfully bring a case of domestic violence to the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights. In 2006, Brazil Federal Law 11340 was ratified, known as the "Maria da Penha Law on Domestic and Family Violence."
Keywords: gender-based violence, politics and the law
Media: Transcript (Portuguese, English), Video, YouTube Video (Portuguese, English Subtitles) Name Pronunciation Audio

Antonia Peressoni
Antonia Peressoni was born in San Daniele del Friuli in 1978. After graduating with a degree in Public Relations (advertising) she moved first to Piedmont and shortly after to Bologna. She works as the press office manager for a record company and also freelances. With her arrival in the capital of Emilia Romagna, she dedicated herself to activism in the LGBTQ world, first as a volunteer for Pride in 2008, organized by the Arcigay “Cassero” and then within the Bologna Arcigay association. In 2012 she created Indie Pride, a live event with the intention of involving the musical world in saying NO to homophobia, bullying, and sexism. After four years Indie Pride became an independent organization sponsoring its annual festival, and also satellite events like talks, workshops, meetings, and awareness campaigns. In recent years she has collaborated with national and international networks, like Eqauly and Keychange, which deal with gender equality and the gender gap within the music market.
Keywords: LGBTQ+ rights, politics and the law, art/writing as activism
Media: Transcript (Italian, English), YouTube Video (Italian, English Subtitles)

Bianca Maria Pomeranzi
Bianca Maria Pomeranzi was born in 1950 in Arezzo. She has been a part of the Roman Feminist Movement of Via Pompeo Magno since the mid-1970s. With the group Vivere Lesbica she organized the first Italian Lesbian Feminist Conference in 1981. As an expert on gender and development issues, she worked in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for Development Cooperation. She served as an Expert on the Commission of the United Nations Convention for the Rights of Women, CEDAW. She is vice president of the Association for the Renewal of the Left and politically active in the Wednesday Feminist Group and the Alma Sabatini Feminist Studies Center.
Keywords: academia and women's studies, LGBTQ+ rights, politics and the law
Media: Transcript (Italian, English), YouTube Video (Italian, English Subtitles)

Anjum Rahman
Anjum Rahman was born in the village of Mahuwara in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh. Her family moved to New Zealand from Canada in 1972 when she was five years old. She became a naturalised New Zealand citizen in 1976. She was a chartered accountant for 30 years, working with a range of entities in the commercial, farming, and not-for-profit sectors.
Rahman was a founding member of the New Zealand Islamic Women's Council, an organisation formed in 1990 to bring Muslim women together and represent their concerns and was the media spokesperson. She is also a founding member of the Shama Ethnic Women's Trust and served as a trustee on its board from 2002 until 2019. Shama supports ethnic minority women through its social work service, life-skills classes, and community development. Rahman has worked in the area of sexual violence prevention both as a volunteer and as part of Government working groups.
Rahman was a spokesperson for the Muslim community following the Christchurch mosque shootings in March 2019, in which 51 people were killed and 40 injured. In media interviews following the attack, she voiced frustration at the failure of the New Zealand Security Intelligence Service and other government agencies to take concerns about violence towards the Muslim community, Islamophobia, and the rise of the alt-right in New Zealand seriously. In response to the attacks, Rahman established the organisation Inclusive Aotearoa Collective Tāhono to combat discrimination.
Anjum was an active member of the Waikato Interfaith Council for over a decade, and was a trustee of the Trust that governs Hamilton’s community access broadcaster, Free FM. She is currently a trustee of Trust Waikato, the largest funder in the region, and on the governing council of InternetNZ. She is a member of international committees dealing with violent extremist content online, being the co-chair of the Christchurch Call Advisory Network and a member of the Independent Advisory Committee of the Global Internet Forum for Countering Terrorism.
In the 2019 Queen's Birthday Honours, Rahman was appointed a Member of the New Zealand Order of Merit for services to ethnic communities and women; she was also shortlisted for the New Zealander of the Year Award.
Keywords: intersectionality, politics and the law, racial identity
Media: Transcript, YouTube Video

Sandra Ramos
Sandra Ramos was born in 1959 and is a leader in the Women's Rights Movement whose activism focuses on women workers in the maquila. She is a co-founder and director of Nicaragua's María Elena Cuadra Women's Movement, which provides scholarships for nontraditional jobs, has a small credit program for unemployed women, teaches women about their labor rights, and provides training for negotiation techniques.
Keywords: gender and health, gender-based violence, politics and the law
Media: Transcript (English, Spanish), Video (English, Spanish), Bibliography, English YouTube Video, Name Pronunciation Audio

Camila Ranauro
Camilla Ranauro was born in 1994, and has been a LGBTI+ activist and feminist since the age of 17. She has been active in both collectives and formal associations. She is currently the vice president of Cassero LGBTI+ Center in Bologna, Italy. Her principal interests are education, political protest, and planning and preparation of European project proposals.
Keywords: LGBTQ+ rights, intersectionality, politics and the law
Media: Transcript (Italian, English), YouTube Video (Italian, English Subtitles)

Olutola Oluyemisi Ransome-Kuti
Olutola Oluyemisi Ransome-Kuti was born in 1947 in a family deeply engaged in the political life of Nigeria. Ransome-Kuti was educated in both the United Kingdom and Nigeria, where she earned degrees in business management, aesthetics, counseling, and human resources management. She was involved in the struggle for democracy in Nigeria and was arrested and sent to prison on her way to attend the Beijing Women’s Conference (1995). Ransome Kuti founded the Nigeria Network of NGOs, an umbrella organization that coordinates and regulates the activities of NGOs in Nigeria. She once ran Girl Watch, an organization that focused on educating young Nigerian girls from low socio-economic backgrounds. In 2006, the World Bank appointed her as the civil society advisor on Nigeria’s working groups on millennium development goals and poverty eradication.
Keywords: politics and the law, community activism, environment
Media: Name Pronunciation Audio, Transcript, Video, YouTube Video

Valeria Roberti
Valeria Roberti was born in 1984 and has been an activist for the rights of LGBTQI+ people for years. She is the facilitator of the Centro Risorse LGBTI, an organization that promotes the full equality of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transexual, and intersex people. She works to promote Education about Differences with adolescents and teachers through non-formal education techniques and has collaborated with various organizations already active in this field. In 2017 she completed the course for professional development on “Gender Perspectives in Teaching Pedagogy” at the University of Bologna. She is the coauthor of the book “Una scuola arcobaleno. Dati e strumenti contro l’omotransfobia in classe” published by Settenove Edizioni in 2021.
Keywords: LGBTQ+ rights, politics and the law, education
Media: Transcript (Italian, English), YouTube Video (Italian, English Subtitles)

Mary Rusimbi
Mary Rusimbi was born in 1953 in Tanzania. She holds a BA in education (University of Dar es Salaam), and a Masters in Community Education (University of New Zealand).
She is a gender activist, policy analyst, and feminist, who has translated feminist principles in organizational culture. She is a co-founder of civil society organizations and women’s rights organizations in Tanzania, such as Tanzania Gender Networking Program (TGNP), Women Fund Tanzania Trust (WFT-T), Foundation for Civil Society (FCS); Tanzania Gender Networking Program (TGNP), HAKIELIMU, Women Fund Tanzania Trust (WFT-T); and UZIKWASA-Pangani and Tabata Development Fund (TDF). She served in various national, regional and international boards including Tanzania Gender Networking Programme, Foundation for Civil Society, Research for Poverty Alleviation, Southern African Research and Documentation Centre, and Partnership Africa Canada (Canada). She has produced many publications. She brings rich experience to the women’s rights movements, and has worked with government, bilateral, multilateral and NGOs in the region and beyond.
Keywords: community activism, gender and health, politics and the law
Media: Transcript, YouTube Video

Iara Amora dos Santos
Iara Amora dos Santos, born in 1984 in Fortaleza, Ceará, is a project supervisor at the Center for the Working Woman, an NGO in Rio de Janeiro that supports working class women in understanding their rights. Iara received her B.A. in Law from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro and has a degree in Women and Human Rights from the Law School at the University of Chile.
Keywords: education, politics and the law, reproductive rights, gender-based violence
Media: Transcript (Portuguese, English), Video, YouTube Video (Portuguese, English Subtitles), Name Pronunciation Audio

Rebecca Stringer
Dr. Rebecca Stringer studied Art History and Criticism and interned at the Peggy Guggenheim Collection before completing a Ph.D in Political Science at Australian National University. Her research examines theories, meanings and politics of victimhood in modern and neoliberal times, and her book Knowing victims: Feminism, agency and victim politics in neoliberal times (2014) examines the neoliberal transformation in how we talk about and conceptualise victimization. Rebecca’s other publications trace the dynamics of victim politics in contexts including Indigenous policy in Australia, the government of drug use, rape law, and the rise of precarious academic work, and her current projects examine the origins of victimology and the visual culture of victimhood. Rebecca teaches and supervises in the areas of feminist theory and critical victimology at the University of Otago. She has been a visiting fellow at the University of Alberta, the University of Sydney, and Flinders University, and has presented her research at conferences and events in Aotearoa/New Zealand, Australia, North America, the UK, and Europe.
Rebecca was co-editor, with Hilary Radner, of Feminism at the movies: Understanding gender in contemporary popular cinema (2011), and with Damien Riggs she co-edits the book series Critical perspectives on the psychology of sexuality, gender, and queer studies, which publishes scholarship challenging the way psychology has traditionally thought about bodies, identities, and experience, with a focus on sex, gender, and sexuality.
Keywords: academia and women's studies, education, politics and the law
Media: Transcript, YouTube Video

Maureen Taylor
Maureen Taylor (interviewed with Marian Kramer) is a social worker and community activist. She has served as chair of the Michigan Welfare Rights organization and was elected treasurer of the National Welfare Rights Union. She defends recipients of public aid at the Michigan Family Independence Agency in case disputes, and directs the Detroit NFI Community Self Sufficiency Center. She was awarded the National Community Leader Award from the National Black Caucus in Washington, DC. Taylor and Kramer spoke at a rally in Detroit, Michigan in June 2020, and a video of their speech recorded by the group Detroit Will Breathe can be found here.
Keywords: gender and health, media, community activism, politics and the law
Media: Transcript (English), Video, Bibliography, YouTube Video, Name Pronunciation Audio

Maria Amélia de Almeida Teles
Maria Amélia de Almeida Teles, born in 1944, is a founding member of the União de Mulheres de São Paulo (São Paulo Women’s Union), a feminist NGO that focuses on the fight against domestic violence and on women’s empowerment and legal rights. A former member of the Communist Party of Brazil and, in the 1970s, a victim of torture by the military government that ruled Brazil from 1964-1985, Teles frequently lectures on feminism and human rights and has published widely on the history of feminism and women’s human rights in Brazil.
Keywords: gender-based violence, imprisonment, politics and the law, LGBTQ rights, racial identity
Media: Transcript (English, Portuguese), Video, YouTube Video (Portuguese, English Subtitles), Name Pronunciation Audio

Dora María Téllez (2011 Interview)
Dora María Téllez, born in 1955, is a historian and well-known icon of the Sandinista Revolution. At age 22, she was third in command during the Sandinista takeover of the National Palace. She became Vice President of the Council of State, Political Chief of Managua, and Minister of Health. After leaving the FSLN, she founded the Sandinista Renovation Movement (MRS) in 1995. She was appointed at the Harvard Divinity School but was unable to obtain an entry visa to the USA because the PATRIOT Act classified her as a terrorist. On June 13, 2021, Téllez was detained by the police in Nicaragua and imprisoned for 20 months. She was held in isolation and total deprivation of rights for denouncing the authoritarian nature of the government and its human rights violations. On February 3, 2022, she was sentenced to 9 years in prison on the charge of “aggression against the national sovereignty” and barred from holding any public office in the future. In February of 2023, she was banished and expatriated from Nicaragua to the United States as part of a group of 222 political prisoners, who were also illegally stripped of their Nicaraguan nationality. Her struggle for democracy, social justice and defense of human rights has been internationally recognized. She has been awarded numerous accolades, including the 2022 René Cassin Prize in Human Rights awarded by the Government of the Basque Country, Spain. Read the La Prensa article about the arrest (English translation) and Mónica Baltodano’s biographical piece about Téllez (English translation).
Keywords: politics and the law
Media: Transcript (English, Spanish), Video (English, Spanish), Bibliography, English YouTube Video, Name Pronunciation Audio

Nataraj Trinta
Nataraj Trinta, born in 1983 in Rio de Janeiro, is a graffiti artist and teaches graffiti workshops to women in low-income communities in Rio de Janeiro as a means to discuss violence against women. In 2010, with other artists and feminists, she helped to create the Feminist Urban Art Network (Rede NAMI), which promotes women’s rights and works to end violence against women through art.
Keywords: politics and the law, art/writing as activism, academia and women's studies, feminist conferences
Media: Transcript (English, Portuguese), Video, YouTube Video (Portuguese, English), Name Pronunciation Audio

Gahela Tseneg Cari Contreras
Gahela Tseneg Cari Contreras, born in the early 1990s, is a transgender woman who began participating in politics in 2015 in the National Youth Congress held in Huaraz. Gahela grew up in a rural area of the Ica region. Her early life reflects much of the upheaval of Peru's recent history. Her mother was a peasant leader, native of Ayacucho, who was saved from forced sterilization ordered by the government of Alberto Fujimori. Her father was forced to flee Peru because of threats from terrorists, who besieged the work of union leaders. Both became immigrants, as did another 7 million Peruvians who mobilized internally for political or economic reasons. At age 27 she ran to become the first transgender woman in Peru’s Congress in the January 2020 elections, campaigning with what has been described as one of the most courageous and intersectional programs of the emerging and diverse Peruvian left. Although she did not win a seat, she has continued her political activism to transform issues of equity and discrimination among LGBTI individuals.
Keywords: community activism, LGBTQ+ rights, politics and the law
Media: Transcript (Spanish, English), Video, YouTube Video (Spanish, English Subtitles), Name Pronunciation Audio

Yukiko Tsunoda
Yukiko Tsunoda, attorney at law; previously a professor at the Law School of Meiji University in Tokyo (2004-2013). Attorney Tsunoda is a pioneer in feminist jurisprudence, especially in the areas of human rights, gender discrimination, and gender-based violence in Japan. In addition to her long career of legal practice representing and defending women in both criminal and civil courts, she has written and lectured extensively, including Sei no hōritsugaku [Sexuality and jurisprudence] (1991) and Seisabetsu to bōryoku [Gender discrimination and violence] (2001) She has been actively involved in various women’s organizations including the Tokyo Rape Crisis Center (legal advisor since 1986), the Domestic Violence Research & Action Group (Co-Founder, 1991), the Center for Education and Support for Women (Director since 2001), and the Lawyers Acting to Eliminate Discrimination Against Women in Entrance Examination for Medical Faculties (Co-Chair, https://fairexam.net/).
Keywords: gender-based violence, politics and the law
Media: Transcript (English, Japanese), YouTube Video (Japanese, English Subtitles)

Martha Heriberta Valle
Martha Heriberta Valle is an activist in the Women's Movement and in the Cooperative Movement. She joined the Revolution at an early age, and joined the organization of women farmers when the Revolution triumphed. She has been an organizer of rural women, a former elected official of the National Assembly, and at last contact was serving as president and founder of the Agricultural Cooperative Federation of Country Women Producers of Nicaragua (FEMUPROCAN).
Keywords: politics and the law, rural women and land reform
Media: Transcript (English, Spanish), Video (English, Spanish), Bibliography, English YouTube Video, Name Pronunciation Audio

Maddalena Vianello
Maddalena Vianello was born in 1978 in Turin. She graduated from the La Sapienza University of Rome with a Modern History degree and holds a Masters degree in Media and Communications from the London School of Economics and Political Science. She is a professional in cultural planning and organization, an expert in gender policies and in the field of male violence against women. And she is a feminist activist. She currently works as an expert on gender policies for the Lazio region of Italy. With other women, she conceived and organized inQuiete (https://www.inquietefestival.it/), a festival of writers in Rome, to give voice to women’s writing, in many ways still considered minor literature in Italy. With some partners, she keeps the blog “Femministerie” https://femministerie.wordpress.com/. She has collaborated with various periodicals and has published “Fra me e te” (Edizioni et al., 2013), co-written with her mother, Mariella Gramaglia, and “In fondo al desiderio” (Fandango, 2021), dedicated to the theme of medically assisted procreation.
Keywords: reform of domestic/family roles, politics and the law, art/writing as activism
Media: Transcript (Italian, English), YouTube Video (Italian, English Subtitles)

Ana Margarita Vijil
Ana Margarita Vijil Gurdián is a Nicaraguan lawyer, politician, and human rights advocate. She holds a Law Degree from Universidad Centroamericana in Managua and a master’s degree in Political Science with an emphasis in Women’s Studies from Arizona State University as a Fulbright recipient.
For the last twenty years, Vijil has worked in academia and has been an active participant in political activism and social justice advocacy. From 2012 to 2017, she was the former president of the political party MRS (Sandinista Renovation Movement), becoming the youngest woman to serve as head of a major political party in the history of Central America. She is a current member of the opposition political party Unamos (previously MRS).
As an academic, Vijil has been a visiting university professor at different institutions and a researcher in the fields of Law, Gender Studies, and Human Rights. Under her coordination, several academic programs for young people have been developed with the support of international organizations such as the Latin American College for Social Sciences (FLACSO-Guatemala). Since 2013, she has been a Central American Leadership Initiative Fellow at the Aspen Global Leadership Network and, since 2023, Vijil is currently a Senior Fellow at the George Washington University Global Women’s Institute.
A longstanding human rights advocate, Vijil has led numerous protests and demonstrations around the country against police brutality and other human rights violations, as well as the state’s violation of the presidential term limits established by Nicaragua’s constitution. She suffered increased persecution after the state repression of student-led mass protests in 2018, which included more than 500 assassinations at the hands of the police and paramilitary groups. On June 13, 2021, Vijil was arrested at her home. For denouncing the authoritarian nature of the government and its human rights violation, she was imprisoned without due process and held in solitary confinement for twenty months. On February 9, 2023, she was banished and expatriated from Nicaragua to the United States as part of a group of 222 political prisoners who were also illegally stripped of their Nicaraguan nationality.
Keywords: academia and women's studies, imprisonment, politics and the law

Wang Cuiyu
Wang Cuiyu, born in 1935, was the executive secretary of the Shanghai Association of Women's Studies, affiliated with the Shanghai Women's Federation. She played a leading role in a national organization for women's career development and set up a women's school in Shanghai to provide vocational training for laid-off women.
Keywords: feminist conferences, politics and the law, reform of domestic/family roles, rural women and land reform
Media: Transcript (English, Mandarin), Video (English, Mandarin), YouTube Video (Mandarin, English Dubbed), Name Pronunciation Audio

Wang Xingjuan
Wang Xingjuan, born in 1931, was an editor at the Beijing Publishing House and started the first women's domestic violence hot line in China. This became the Maple Women's Counseling Center, one of the earliest women's NGOs in China. At the last contact, she was serving as the director.
Keywords: feminist conferences, gender and health, gender-based violence, politics and the law
Media: Transcript (English, Mandarin), Video (English, Mandarin), Bibliography, YouTube Video (Mandarin, English Dubbed), Name Pronunciation Audio

Zhang Li Xi
Zhang Li Xi, born in 1953, is President of the China Women's University, affiliated with the All-China Women's Federation. Under her leadership, the CWU created the first Women's Studies Department in China, and the first Women's Studies major.
Keywords: feminist conferences, academia and women's studies, gender-based violence, intersectionality, politics and the law, rural women and land reform
Media: Transcript (English, Mandarin),Video (English, Mandarin), Bibliography, YouTube Video (Mandarin, English Dubbed), Name Pronunciation Audio