5×5 Incubator Grants
The 5×5 Incubator Grants are intended to encourage faculty and research specialists from a variety of fields to organize around a theme or topic of shared interest, an approach to work in the humanities, an experimental form of dissemination, or simply a productive common ground for future research explorations. These grants are supported by a generous collaboration with the Institute for the Humanities.
Five faculty will meet five times over a period of a few months. Each group must include a minimum of three tenure track faculty and can also include lecturers, research scientists, librarians, curators, archivists, post-docs, and other university scholars. (This grant is not intended for graduate students.) The team organizer must be a member of the tenure-track faculty. While five faculty members is the ideal number, the Collaboratory will consider proposals from teams comprised of four to six members.
Why Apply: These grants will help you to carve out some time in an otherwise busy academic year to: 1) expand your intellectual and institutional networks; 2) explore research questions of interest to you in the context of the linked interests of other faculty; and 3) develop a new kind of scholarly research project.
Goals: 1) Encourage collaborative thinking about work in the humanities; 2) Create a space for low-stakes exploration of shared interests; and 3) Facilitate the development of collaborative scholarship in the humanities.
Deadline: Applications are accepted on a rolling basis, faculty can start their 5×5 team at any point.
Process: Please apply by completing this application (Google form). Each team member of an awarded grant will receive $500 in salary or research funds upon submission of a short description of the conversations and the ideas that emerged from the five meetings. We anticipate teams to complete their grant within 6 months of being accepted.
Please see our reservations to find a time that works for your team.
As an incentive to use the Collaboratory space, the Collaboratory will provide a meal to teams who decide to host their meetings in one of the Collaboratory’s meeting spaces. Teams will be funded up to $100 per meeting meal. Teams can have the Collaboratory place their food orders for them by selecting a restaurant from the University’s preferred vendors list and letting us know of any allergies or restrictions to take into account. Requests for food must be made at least two days ahead of the scheduled meeting.
If you have any questions, please contact Humanities Collaboratory faculty coordinator Kristin Hass at kah@umich.edu.