Project Next

Project NExT is a professional development program run by the MAA for new or recent PhDs in the mathematical sciences beginning academic careers. It addresses all aspects of an academic career: improving the teaching and learning of mathematics, engaging in research and scholarship, finding exciting and interesting service opportunities, and participating in professional activities. It also provide participants with a support network of peers and mentors as they assume these responsibilities. Since 1994 there have been over 1800 Fellows, who have appeared in all capacities in the academic mathematical profession.

If you’re a finishing PhD student or post-doc planning an academic career,  please consider applying!
For more information, see the Project Next website which includes answers to many frequently asked questions.

Applications for the next cohort of NExTers, who will meet at MathFest 2020, the Joint Math Meetings in 2021, and MathFest 2021, are due April 15th, and must include a letter promising financial support from your (new) institution.

By Karen E Smith

Professor of Mathematics Associate Chair for Gradate Studies