The Invitations to Industry seminar series continues this Monday October 5th at 5pm ET with Igor Ferst, Cofounder and CTO of Mobikit! Graduate students and postdocs in math welcome! From Igor: I’m an experienced technologist with a deep and diverse skill set spanning full-stack development, machine learning, data science, product management, and engineering management. I’m currently CTO of a…
Category: Junior Colloquium
The Junior Colloquium is a place for graduate students to meet faculty and each other, as well as the occasional alumnus. Beginning students can get exposure to the kinds of research going on in our department. More advanced students can practice the very important skill of expositional speaking.
Moving from academic to industry career plans: A personal story
Mark Greenfield, finishing Math PhD, shared some of his thoughts and experiences about his process of figuring out his post-PhD next steps, finding an internship in finance. Please check out his inspiring story! (Back to Resources about Non-Academic Careers) Mark’s words: This will be partly autobiographical and partly general advice. Each section has “Takeaways” which…
Zoom Invitations to Industry: Spotify
You are invited to Monday’s Erdos Institute Zoom Invitation to Industry with Spotify Topic: Invitations to Industry – Archana Anandakrishnan, PhD – Spotify Time: Apr 13, 2020 05:15 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada): Join Zoom Meeting Password: 016420 Update: Slides from this presentation available: here.
Invitations to Industry
Don’t miss Friday’s Junior Colloquium, where Olivia Walch (AIM PhD 2016) continues in our Invitations to Industry series, in partnership with the Erdos Institute. She’ll talk about Starting her own StartUp, something a surprising number of Michigan Math PhDs have successfully pulled off. Friday Feb 7 at 4pm in 1068 East Hall Reception to follow immediately…
Research at Michigan TOMORROW
Don’t miss junior colloquium this week! Our Research at Michigan Series continues with Professor Liliana Borcea, telling us about her work On the continuum limit of inverse spectral problems As usual, the event is held in Room 3088, Friday at 4 pm. Everyone is welcome to attend, but all graduate students are especially encouraged to come.…
Marjorie lee Browne Talk TODAY
Our department has hosted a Marjorie Lee Browne Distinguished Lecture in celebration of Martin Luther King’s birthday each year since 1999. Marjorie Lee Brown was our department’s first, and one the nation’s first, African American women to earn the PhD degree in mathematics in 1949. She was a tremendous influence on generations of students in…
Professor Sasha Barvinok to speak in Junior Colloquium Friday
Please join us for the first Junior Colloquium of the Semester. Tomorrow the “Research at Michigan” series continues with Professor Sasha Barvinok telling us about his research into The mathematics of computational complexity. Room 3088 from 4 to 5pm. Everyone is welcome, but all math graduate students are especially encouraged to learn about what kind of…
Invitations to Industry continues Friday in Junior Colloquium
Felipe Perez (UM Math PhD 2015) will tell us about his exciting work as a machine learning research scientist at Layer 6 AI in Toronto. It is not too late to RSVP here. Title: Research, contests, and production: the faces of ML in industry Friday, December 06, 2019 1068 East Hall 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM, with…
Professor Prasanna to speak in Junior Colloquium this week
Our Research at Michigan series continues in Junior Colloquium Friday at 4 in room 3088. Professor Kartik Prasanna will tell us about algebraic cycles on number fields. Come learn what kind of research is going on here at Michigan math! The talk is directed at beginning graduate students, but all students, post-docs and faculty are…
Cognate Courses in Entrepreneurship
Have you thought about entrepreneurship? Many Michigan Math PhD Alums have founded companies. If you’re curious, consider taking a cognate in UM’s Center for Entrepreneurship. There are many options for Winter 2020, from intro-level courses such as “Intro to Innovation” or “Interpersonal skills,” to seminars on venture capital, entrepreneurship, patent law, climate change innovation and…