- Some blogposts from this site on Research News.
- The ArXiv is the main depository of mathematics preprints. Take a browse around regularly! Consider subscribing to daily announcements for new work in your fields of interest. When you and your advisor agree you are ready, you should also post your papers by registering here.
- MathSciNet, the online Math Reviews resource from the AMS, where nearly every single paper in mathematics is reviewed, summarized and classified by qualified reviewers. You may need to login with your UM unique name. A similar (competing) resource is Zentrablatt Math, from the European Math Society.
- Michigan Math has its own librarian and an amazing Math Library
- A Research Guide Created by our Math Librarian
- Open Research Problems in Algebraic Combinatorics and other essential research resources for mathematicians in algebraic combinatorics and adjacent fields.
- Central Website for researchers in commutative algebra and boundary areas, with conference information, lists of researchers, announcements, and more.
- List of upcoming conferences in algebraic geometry,maintained by Ravi Vakil.
- List of Number theory conferences.
- List of upcoming conferences in arithmetic geometry, maintained by Kiran Kedlaya.
- Research resource page events postings for mathematicians in CS theory.
- The Topology Atlas, for researchers in topology with conference announcements, seminar series, and more.
- Robert Krasny maintains a list of Opportunities in Scientific Computing and Mathematical Modeling
- Michael Zieve put together an Extensive Collection of Electric Resources, including links to many Mathematics Research Journals.
- Math Geneology is an extensive data base tracking PhD advisors and students of nearly all mathematicians in the world. Explore your mathematical family-tree, or the students of current mathematics professors.
- Michigan Math PhD recipients, complete list since 2007.
- Seminars at UM
- Conferences at UM
- On the nature of Math Research
- Advice on getting started on research, from Tim Gowers, Terry Tao, Bill Thurston, Chelsea Walton, and others
- Favorite research topics of some great mathematicians
under construction. Needs organization, development.