
Make a Webpage

Professional Webpages are a very important way that mathematicians get to know each other. A well-constructed webpage is absolutely essential for academic mathematicians. We recommend you make one early in graduate school, where you can document your teaching and research.  You can get advice from other students whose webpages you like about how they got started, or check out the resources at UM. It is OK to list some hobbies and show some personality on your webpage, but try to keep it professional: we advise avoiding references to your religion, political veiws, or any explicit or controversial material.

Join LinkedIn

Linked In is widely used by mathematicians working in industry, and increasingly, by academic mathematicians who collaborate with them or who simply are interested in what their former colleagues and friends are up to professionally. Consider making a free profile and joining the Michigan Math Alumni group!

Read advice on networking from Michigan Alums

Networking is critical for mathematicians both in academic and non-academic careers. Read some Advice from Michigan Alums on Networking in academia. Look here soon for more advice outside academics too.

Math Genealogy

Explore your academic siblings, grandparents, and cousins on the Math Genealogy website. You probably have many mathematical interests in common and may discover some interesting conferences or other opportunities.

Rackham Connect

Rackham Connect is a digital space  for Michigan graduate alumni in all fields to connect with each other and with current Rackham  students, developed in partnership with the Career Center’s University Career Alumni Network (UCAN).