Invitations to Entrepreneurship for Math PhDs

Don’t miss Michigan alumna Olivia Walch (UM AIM PhD 2016) in our first Invitation to Entrepreneurship talk! Olivia is CEO of her own company, Arcascope, that markets an App that uses mathematics to help people sleep better. Invitations to Entrepreneurship is a new offering of the Erdos Institute, building on the successes of our Invitations to Industry seminar, where recent PhDs discuss their work in industry and their path to finding non-academic careers. Even if you are planning an academic career, it is highly recommended that you learn about the many roles high-level mathematicians take on in society—both so you don’t miss some possibly very enticing opportunities and so you can best advise your own students someday. Math post-doc Eric Canton recently joined Arcascope as their lead cloud developer after many years of exciting research in commutative algebra.

Olivia’s talk is September 3 at noon Michigan time. Register here.

The Erdos Institute, a consortium of universities and departments, including ours, which helps “PhDs find the jobs they love and companies find the PhDs they need.” It is currently headed up by number theorist Professor Roman Holowinsky at OSU.

More about non-academic careers from UM Math students and faculty on our Advice and Resources blogsite.

By Karen E Smith

Professor of Mathematics Associate Chair for Gradate Studies