Invitation to Industry continues in Junior Colloquium Friday

Don’t forget about Junior Colloquium Friday, where our next installment of  The Erdős Institutes Invitations to Industry Seminar Series continues. Please RSVP here for the reception following.
Details: Friday, November 8 at 4 pm in Room 1068, during Junior Colloquium  Reception following. RSVP here.
The speaker is David Renardy, UM Math PhD 2016, now a senior research scientist at Two Six Labs. His talk is entitled Mathematics and Cyber Security (abstract). 
In Invitations to Industry,  we invite PhD alumni who have transitioned into industry to tell you about their experiences. They talk about  the types of problems that they work on, their career path, the skills necessary to succeed in their role, and career opportunities in their company.
This series is intended for all PhD-level mathematicians, whether actively seeking an industry job or not. As a professional mathematician, in whatever capacity, mentoring students and young mathematicians is an important part of our work, and we need to know what kinds of opportunities exist for those with math PhDs. Come find out why there’s never been a better time to be seeking a rewarding, high-paying job as a mathematician. The data revolution has changed everything: this is not your advisor’s job market!
If you have completed (or will soon complete) your PhD and are actively seeking an industry position, we also suggest joining the Erdos’s institute Linked In Job Board.
See you in Junior Colloquium!

By Karen E Smith

Professor of Mathematics Associate Chair for Gradate Studies