5 reasons I chose an industry career over an academic one

By Gilad Pagi, UM Math PhD 2018

Google Senior Software Engineer, Los Angelos

1. Geographical Flexibility: industry jobs are everywhere and usually do not require your predecessor to leave/transfer/retire. 

2. Self Funded: True research industry positions are not abundant, but once you land one, your research is going to be funded by your employer, as opposed to an external entity. The implication is less (or no) time spent on securing funds for the research.

3. High Pace: (Subjectively) the industry moves faster. Your research and results may be used and implemented faster by others, creating something bigger for a larger audience. 

4. No grading: I love teaching. I do it every day, unofficially. In industry it is called “mentoring”. It includes sharing your knowledge and expertise with others. It does not include grading homework or tests while eating pizza nor repeating yourself over and over again.

5. Money: so, regarding the unmentionable – compensation. My observation is that in the industry the pay per hour is higher. I am a mathematician – I like numbers. 

By Karen E Smith

Professor of Mathematics Associate Chair for Gradate Studies