Industry or Academia?

Recent Math PhD Zhan Jiang (UM PhD 2021) wrote to share his personal experience with “the Job Market” as well as some practical advice and resources that eventually landed him a job at Google. Like pretty much every technical employee at Google, his title will begin as “Software Engineer,” but you should contact him, as well…

5 reasons I chose an industry career over an academic one

By Gilad Pagi, UM Math PhD 2018 Google Senior Software Engineer, Los Angelos 1. Geographical Flexibility: industry jobs are everywhere and usually do not require your predecessor to leave/transfer/retire.  2. Self Funded: True research industry positions are not abundant, but once you land one, your research is going to be funded by your employer, as opposed to an external…

Invitations to Industry

Our first Invitations to Industry talk will be this Friday, September 20 from  4-5 in Room 1068 East Hall. This exciting seminar series is directed at PhD students and post-docs  in math and physics. Recent Michigan alums return to tell us about the jobs they love in industry and some of the opportunities that await…