Invitations to Entrepreneurship for Math PhDs

Don’t miss Michigan alumna Olivia Walch (UM AIM PhD 2016) in our first Invitation to Entrepreneurship talk! Olivia is CEO of her own company, Arcascope, that markets an App that uses mathematics to help people sleep better. Invitations to Entrepreneurship is a new offering of the Erdos Institute, building on the successes of our Invitations…

Interested in Finance Jobs post PhD?

Math PhD Alumnus Alex Leaf, who defended his thesis, The Kashaev Equation and Related Recurrences in 2018 under the direction of Sergey Fomin, reached out to let us know he’d be happy to provide advice on the recruiting process for quant jobs for math PhD’s. He’s also happy to provide a reference if anyone is…

Career Development for MathPhDs

Don’t forget to register for the Erdös’s institute programming for the coming academic year. This fall, we are piloting a semester long, on-line version of our signature data science boot camp. Many Michigan math graduate students have participated in this boot camp, and discovered new interests and opportunities through it. And many of our graduates…