Interested in Teaching in the CS department?

You may be aware that there is a national shortage of computer science professors and lecturers. This means opportunities for YOU, Math PhD looking for work, especially if you love teaching and want to stay in Ann Arbor.

The chair of the hiring committee for the CSE department here at Michigan asked me to help publicize positions to our Math post-docs and finishing PhD students. These are longer term faculty positions, both “teaching faculty” and tenure track positions.

Mathematicians, including many of our PhD students, have long done a great job serving as instructors for EECS 203 (Discrete math), EECS 376 (Theory of Computer Science), EECS 475 (Introduction to Cryptography), and EECS 454 and 545 (Machine learning) here at UM. Now, as the CSE department grapples with the shortage of faculty for these courses, they are looking to hire mathematicians on a longer term basis. You do need to be an expert in computer science or even know how to program to competently teach many of the courses they have had trouble staffing.

Link to information about CSE positions and how to apply.

Here are a few anecdotes from some PhD students who have taught for the CS department to convince to you apply even if you feel you know no CS. These were just semester GSI positions, whereas now the CS department is turning to us for help finding teaching faculty (and possibly even tenure track faculty).

Please consider these positions if you are looking to stay in academia. Having skills and experience teaching CS will dramatically improve your options, given the shortage of CS professors and the fact that many schools teach CS through their math departments.

By Karen E Smith

Professor of Mathematics Associate Chair for Gradate Studies