Non-Academic Career Conference

An all-day Career Conference for PhD students and post-docs will take place on Friday April 5. Our our Gilad Pagi, UM Math PhD (2018), now working at Google,  will be on one of the panels.

There are panels on different industries including biotech/pharma, finance, tech,  even academic administration, all with recent alums talking about their careers.

There’s also a  “Strategies for talking to your advisor” workshop, which I know is sometimes something students worry about.

Please consider attending! Space is limited and I expect it to fill up, so I’m sharing this registration link early. It won’t be live until Monday (March 11).

The event is organized by Rackham and the Career Center.  They have consulted extensively with STEM PhDs in industry including math, so I expect it to be very valuable.





By Karen E Smith

Professor of Mathematics Associate Chair for Gradate Studies