Professor Rick Laugersen (former Michigan math post-doc 93-96 and current professor of math at UIUC) wrote to invite YOU to the upcoming BIG panel on math careers in the health care industry for PhDs and other high level mathematicians. The event is on-line Friday, November 5th, 2021, at 5pm ET, but you need to register…
Category: Student Advisory Committee
Graduate student conference in algebra, geometry, and topology
Matthew Stover, a professor at Temple and former UM post-doc, wrote to invite YOU to a conference in May. This is a good opportunity to practice speaking and meet some interesting people. They have funding! Matt’s message is below. Dear friends and colleagues, We are writing to advertise that registration is now open for our…
Research Post-doc at KTH
An innovative research post-doc position at the Brummer & Partners Math Data Lab in the Math department at the KTH institute of Mathematics in Stockholm was just posted. Quoting: “The post-doctoral positions at the Math Data Lab aims at conducting research in mathematics (e.g. topology, analysis, combinatorics, etc) or applied mathematics (mathematical statistics, numerical analysis,…
Research at Michigan TODAY in junior colloquium
Don’t miss Junior Colloquium TODAY, Friday November 1 at 4 pm, EH 3088. Today’s event features Professor Ralf Spatzier telling us about his work on Rigidity in Geometry and Dynamics in our “Research at Michigan” series. All graduate students, post-docs and faculty are encouraged to attend, but the series is specifically aimed at beginning PhD…
New Post-doc-Grad-student mentoring program
The Graduate Student Advisory Board has developed a new program in which senior PhD candidates in Math and AIM will be paired with a volunteering Michigan post-doc for informal advice and interaction. Please read the message below from some Board representatives and think about getting involved. Hi All, In an effort to increase interaction between…
Navigating Difficult Conversations
Rackham is there to help you! This Thursday, our Rackham Dean for Science, Valeria Bertacco is inviting you to an interactive workshop for graduate students and post-docs on “Navigating Difficult Conversations“ which you may find useful (details below). Even if you are not currently struggling with some difficult topic you want to discuss with, say,…
MAA Math Fest
The Mathematical Association of America is the primary professional organization of mathematicians in teaching-focused academic positions. They hold an annual conference called Math-Fest which features outstanding expository talks by leading researchers, invited paper sessions, workshops on research and teaching, minicourses, and more, including popular math events. This is an especially valuable conference for those planning…
Want to teach math to kids in Harlem this summer?
BEAM (Bridge to Enter Advanced Mathematics) is an enrichment program for kids in New York and LA. They are still hiring teachers for their West Harlem campus to teach Math Team Strategies or Applied Math this summer. You’d be committing to 2-3 hours/day for 5 weeks and you’d be supporting some incredible students! If you’re…
Interesting GSI position in Math for Fall ’19
Math 385 is hiring a GSI. The deadline to apply is June 7, tomorrow! Apply here now. Math 385 is one of three math courses for future elementary teachers taught by the math department. The focus of the course is developing the students’ mathematical voice and reasoning abilities, while carefully defining, and deducing beloved properties…
Summer Work on this blog site!
I am looking for experienced graduate students to hire to help with developing and expanding this website. Help developing content, reviewing courses (outside math, such as cognates and/or online) and programs, and improving the website (in WordPress…which you can learn on the job if you are interested) all needed. An hourly wage competitive with GSI…