Midwest Algebraic Geometry Graduate Student Conference

The annual Midwest Algebraic Geometry Conference organized by and for graduate students has gone remote! There will be a zoom conference on May 2. See the letter from Izzet Coskun below for more details. Dear Friends, I hope you and your loved ones are all doing well and staying healthy. The graduate students Greg Taylor,…

Even with everything, data industry still looking for Math PhDs

Yes, it’s scary out there, with worries both about public health and the economy. The good news is, some places are still hiring, and many of the industries looking for mathematicians (tech, robotics, data science) are poised to do well, even during a pandemic.  I just got word that Domino Farms right here in Ann…

Zoom Invitations to Industry: Spotify

You are invited to Monday’s  Erdos Institute Zoom Invitation to Industry with Spotify Topic: Invitations to Industry – Archana Anandakrishnan, PhD – Spotify Time: Apr 13, 2020 05:15 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada):  Join Zoom Meeting Password: 016420 Update: Slides from this presentation available:  here.

New Post-doc position opened up at Clemson

Sean Sather-Wagstaff wrote to me about a new opening for a post-doc position at Clemson starting this fall. The deadline for full consideration is April 7. If you are still looking for something,  or know someone who is, please check out their ad and apply right away, or let your friends know.  Also, let me…