Your cover letter is usually the first impression you make on a prospective employer. The Sweetland Center is offer graduate students a workshop to review the essential elements of a strong cover letter. You will be able to work on a letter in real time with the assistance of experts at this workshop. Please bring…
Category: Writing Better
Upcoming Writing Workshop
The Rackham/Sweetland Workshops cover a host of topics designed to help graduate students in various aspects of writing. For example, they run workshops to help you write research, teaching, personal and diversity statements for fellowship applications as well as academic positions. Writing well is an important skill mathematicians need to develop! Here in the math department,…
Dissertation Writing Groups
If you are at the writing stage of your dissertation and struggling with writers block or just want to make some new friends who will support you through the writing process, consider signing up for a “Dissertation Writing Group” this fall. You can also serve as a paid “group leader” for such a writing group.…
Interested in becoming a better non-technical mathematical expositor?
The 2019 Michigan ConSciCom is an effective program for teaching young mathematicians and scientists to better communicate their work. First begun at Harvard in 2013, this 2 day workshop promises to be fun and helpful for all math PhD students, whether they just want to become better speakers and writers for the purpose of improving…
Innovative Teaching Opportunity: full funding
The Sweetland Writing Center offers Math (and all Rackham) PhD students a great opportunity to do something different to support themselves, and to get additional training especially valuable for those planning to pursue a career in academia. Please consider applying! Our own Rachel Webb won one of these fellowships, and enjoyed her teaching appointment through it. The…