Dissertation Grants from Microsoft

Microsoft is offering Dissertation grants to doctoral students in computing in their fourth year and beyond. These are for students who  self-identify as a woman, African American, Black, Hispanic, Latinx, American Indian, Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian, Pacific Islander, and/or people with disabilities. The program allows students to submit a grant proposal of up to $25,000 to…

Do you want to volunteer for the recruiting weekend events?

The department is looking for graduate students to help out with the recruiting weekend coming up in March. We need students to lead tours on campus, serve on panels, be assigned as  “Buddies” and be willing to share their information and experiences with admitted students to our AIM, Math PhD and MLB programs at the…

Interested in Start-ups?

Many recent PhDs in math, physics and engineering are finding exciting careers in start-up companies these days. Curious about what all the buzz is about?  Check out the Start Up Career Fair run by the Office of Entrepreneurship in the College of Engineering! Even our own little Ann Arbor has a rich community of Start-up companies…

Junior Colloquium: Jinho Baik

Professor Jinho Baik will speak in Junior Colloquium TODAY at 4. Please come! His title is Eigenvalues of large random matrices. This is aimed at graduate students who are not already experts in the subject! It is for everyone! The Junior Colloquium  is a place for graduate students to meet faculty and each other, as well…