Mentoring and Social Program for First Year Grad students

First year Math PhD and MLB students: consider joining the Fall 2020 edition of SUBgroups. Registration is now open.  Older students, please share with your friends and mentees to help spread the word! SUBgroups is an opportunity for first-year math grad students to connect with their peers at other universities. Small groups meet online to…

Support and Advice from Rackham

Please consider taking advantage of the following sessions from Rackham. These might be helpful if you are stressing about finding an advisor or about your relationship with your advisor, stressing about how to write cover letters, stressing about the difference between a “CV” and a “Resume” or just plain stressing!   Main Campus Events Restorative…

Professor Sasha Barvinok to speak in Junior Colloquium Friday

Please join us for the first Junior Colloquium of the Semester. Tomorrow the “Research at Michigan” series continues with Professor Sasha Barvinok telling us about his research into The mathematics of computational complexity. Room 3088 from 4 to 5pm. Everyone is welcome, but all math graduate students are especially encouraged to learn about what kind of…

Junior Colloquium this Year

Please mark your calendars! This year in Junior Colloquium, which meets Fridays at 4 pm, we have two separate Seminar Series: Research at Michigan Math Invitations to Industry. 1. Research at Michigan Math is where beginning graduate students will get a feel for what our professors are working on. The talks are supposed to be…

Welcome to New Post-docs

Our new post-docs have arrived! Michigan Math has a rich post-doctoral program with over sixty post-doctoral scholars in our department every semester in just about every possible area of mathematics. This is one of the best features of our grad programs: the post-docs are typically only a few years older than our PhD students, so…

Navigating Difficult Conversations

Rackham is there to help you! This Thursday, our Rackham Dean for Science, Valeria Bertacco is inviting you to an interactive workshop for graduate students and post-docs on “Navigating Difficult Conversations“ which you may find useful (details below). Even if you are not currently struggling with some difficult topic you want to discuss with, say,…

Possible Cognate of Interest

Still looking for a cognate course to take? Interested in mathematics education? This fall, Professor Herbst, a well-known expert in mathematics eduction is giving a course on Thinking and Learning in Mathematics and the Natural Sciences.  This course will satisfy the Rackham cognate requirement. Details below. EDUC 782/831—The Study of Thinking and Learning in Mathematics and…

Congrats to Summer Research Grants recipients!

Academic mathematicians need to write strong research proposals. Your professors typically apply for research grants on a three-year cycle (for example, from NSF), writing a fifteen page proposal and then an annual report every year on the progress. This year we were fortunate to have sufficient funds to offer students with no other source of…