Summer Work on this blog site!

I am looking for experienced graduate students to hire to help with developing and expanding this website. Help developing content, reviewing courses (outside math, such as cognates and/or online) and programs, and improving the website (in WordPress…which you can learn on the job if you are interested) all needed. An hourly wage competitive with GSI…

Panel Discussion on Funding for Graduate Students

For the final Junior Colloquium of the year, Friday April 19, the Student Advisory Board, led by Francesca Gandini, will host a panel discussion featuring current students who have been successful taking advantage of the myriad opportunities to apply for funding both inside and outside the University.  As usual, Room 3088 East Hall at 4 pm.…

Sunny Yang Xiao to speak in Junior Colloquium

Sunny Yang Xiao is visiting us this week from Brown University. In addition to her work in geometry and topology, she is a co-founder of the Horizons seminar at Brown University, which aims to promote diversity and inclusion in mathematics and provide career advice and advancement for everyone.  Please join us at Junior Colloquium on…