Two Math Conferences this weekend in Ann Arbor!

So much research activity! Come check out the two conferences being held in our department this weekend October 18, 19, 20! Both run mostly Saturday, although some special talks for students will run Friday in the “Facets of Algebraic Geometry” conference. Click links for details. Midwest Homotopy Type Theory (opening talk:  current UM PhD student…

Summer Internship at NSA (Sport)

The Summer Program for Operations Research Technology (SPORT) is a 12-week *PAID* summer internship offered by the National Security Agency (NSA) that provides U.S. Citizen graduate students the opportunity to apply their technical skills to current, real-world operations research problems at the NSA. SPORT looks for strong students in operations research, applied math, statistics, data…

EECS 203 GSI Positions for winter

The CSE department hires a few Math PhD students to teach EECS 203 (Discrete Math) each semester. Currently, they are interviewing for winter. Let me know if you’d like to me to put your name forward to them. At least 3 semesters teaching experience for math, with decent student evals, and strong academic work required.…

New Post-doc-Grad-student mentoring program

The Graduate Student Advisory Board has developed a new program in which senior PhD candidates in Math and AIM will be paired with a volunteering Michigan post-doc for informal advice and interaction. Please read the message below from some Board representatives and think about getting involved. Hi All, In an effort to increase interaction between…

Michigan PhD Brainteaser Battle at Arbor Brewing Friday

Do you love free food, free drinks and solving puzzles? Then join SIG for the Michigan PHD Brainteaser Battle! Friday, October 11th 7:00 p.m. Arbor Brewing Company: 114 E. Washington Street Ruminate while you numerate for a chance to win a $100 Amazon gift card, and get to know some of SIG’s quantitative researchers! We’ll…

Susquehanna buying Math PhD students free food after junior Colloquium

Please RSVP by Wednesday for this week’s Junior Colloquium Talk,  the second in our “Invitations to Industry” series, in collaboration with the Erdos Institute. Chris Hammond (PhD 2009) will tell us about his quant research career at  Susquehanna International Group. (Abstract) (added later: Slides from his talk). The talk is 4 pm in Room 1068,…

Quantitative Analytics Jobs for finishing Math PhDs

Former UM professor Vijay Nair, now Head of Advanced Technologies at Wells Fargo, wrote to me to try to entice some of our finishing PhD students to apply for positions at Wells Fargo. Two different types of quantitative analyst positions at Wells Fargo are hiring math PhDs, in different cities including New York, Minneapolis, San…

Research at Michigan Series

Don’t miss Junior Colloquium TODAY, Friday Oct 4 at 4 pm, EH 3088, for our first talk of the year  in the “Research at Michigan” series. Professor Peter Miller will tell us about his work on Solitons, Integrable Systems, and Asymptotics. The Research at Michigan series features Michigan faculty speaking about their mathematical research. The talks…