The Erdös Institute was founded by number theorist Professor Roman Holowinsky (OSU) as a way to help math PhDs find the careers they love and companies the math PhDs they need. Their career development program (fall cohort) for PhD students and post-docs interested in learning about non-academic careers and/or some of the skills needed for…
Tag: Boot Camp
Last day to register for Erdos institute Boot Camp
Last chance to sign up is today! This free program has been invaluable for PhD mathematicians seeking seeking employment in industry. Please fill out our application form on our website by the end of the day today. We’ll be reviewing applications over the next month and sending out admittance emails on December 15th. As a…
Registration for Erdos Institute Programming
Michigan Math is a member of the growing Erdos Institute, an organization created by mathematics professor Roman Holowinsky (OSU) to “help PhDs find the jobs they love and companies find the PhDs they need.” You can register today to learn more. You may have heard “the job market is terrible for math PhDs.” Nothing could…
The Data Incubator’s Spring 2020 Data Science Fellowship
Michael Li, founder and CEO of the Data Incubator, wrote to advertise their bootcamps to transition graduate students and post-docs to Data careers. Note that Erdos Institute is also sponsoring a data science boot camp this May, and we’ll be funding a few PhD students to attend that. See Li’s message below. The Data Incubator’s Spring…
Data Incubator Boot Camp
You may have heard of the Data Incubator, a competitive program designed to bring STEM PhDs up to speed for high-level careers in Data Science. They have again contacted me, trying to recruit YOU, of course. This is a high quality program which may be of interest if you would like an industry career. Our…
Data Science Boot Camps for Math PhDs through Erdos Institute
We are happy to offer a few Michigan Math PhD students and post-docs the opportunity to participate in the Erdos Institute’s Data Science Bootcamps, designed in collaboration with industry partners to quickly train Math PhDs for data science careers in industry and meet many others who have made the transition, including recruiters from companies currently…
Data Science and AI Careers
The explosion of Big Data means tremendous opportunities for math PhDs. Many alums from the past decade are enjoying lucrative and rewarding careers in various aspects of data science and machine learning, from fighting credit card fraud for Chase Manhattan to computer vision at Amazon to handling logistics for small businesses. The severe shortage of “deep analytical talent”…