Preparing Future Faculty Workshop

The Rackham Graduate School and the Center for Research on Learning and Teaching (CRLT) are now accepting applications for the 2020 seminar on Preparing Future Faculty (PFF). This nationally recognized program is designed to help prepare doctoral candidates for faculty positions. Postdocs are also eligible to apply. Seminar topics include inclusive course design and instruction,…

Support and Advice from Rackham

Please consider taking advantage of the following sessions from Rackham. These might be helpful if you are stressing about finding an advisor or about your relationship with your advisor, stressing about how to write cover letters, stressing about the difference between a “CV” and a “Resume” or just plain stressing!   Main Campus Events Restorative…

Allies Grants from Rackham

Rackham offers “Faculty Ally” grants up to 12K per year, for the purpose of making departments better for all graduate students, including students from under-represented demographics. A few years ago, PhD student Patricia Klein took the lead on designing a program to fund speaker travel to our seminars. We were able to use this money,…

Cognate Courses in Entrepreneurship

Have you thought about entrepreneurship? Many Michigan Math PhD Alums have founded companies. If you’re curious, consider taking a cognate in UM’s Center for Entrepreneurship. There are many options for Winter 2020, from intro-level courses such as “Intro to Innovation” or “Interpersonal skills,” to seminars on venture capital, entrepreneurship, patent law, climate change innovation and…

Parental Accommodations for Graduate Students

Great news! Rackham now guarantees accommodations for the birth or adoption of a baby!  This will allow you to enjoy up to six weeks with your new edition without penalty in your coursework, fellowship and/or GSI/GSRA position. Mothers and fathers are both eligible. To apply, you must fill out and return one simple form. Please…

Upcoming Rackham Events and Some Unsolicited Advice

Rackham hosts many events to support all aspects of graduate student life. Please take advantage of this! If you click on the Rackham Events Calendar or the Sessions @UM page, for example, you will find a host of interesting events. Examples just in the next week alone include these: a program tomorrow about addressing unconscious…

Rackham Events for First year graduate students

Rackham offers many programs to support graduate students, make friends in other departments, and get to know Rackham deans and staff, which could come in useful someday. Check out the following two  Rackham North events this fall designed for first year students: Thursday, September 5  from 3 to 5 pm: What can Rackham Do for…