Summer Work at Canada/USA Mathcamp!

Many Michigan Math PhD students have found  rewarding summer work as teachers at MathCamp, a summer math enrichment program for super-mathy kids. This includes current students Will Dana and Lara Du, as well as the current Assistant Director of Math Camp, Kevin  Carde. Kevin joined the staff at Math Camp in 2011, immediately upon completing…

EECS 203 GSI Positions for winter

The CSE department hires a few Math PhD students to teach EECS 203 (Discrete Math) each semester. Currently, they are interviewing for winter. Let me know if you’d like to me to put your name forward to them. At least 3 semesters teaching experience for math, with decent student evals, and strong academic work required.…

Tenure Track Position at Liberal Arts College

Michigan Math Alum Marie Snipes (PhD 2009) wrote to let us know that Kenyon College is hiring a tenure track Professor this year in their math department. Some of you may remember Marie from our “Liberal Arts College Teaching” Career Panel in 2018.  Kenyon Math is looking for someone with experience in active learning pedagogies,…

Upcoming AWM Events

QR Study Party    Wednesday, 8/28at 5-7pm, room 3088 If you are studying for a QR exam, come study with other people! If you have already passed the QR exams, come share your knowledge/tips/encouragement! Snacks will be provided by AWM. This event is open to grad students of all genders in both pure and applied…

University of Chicago Lecturer Position Open

The University of Chicago Math Department Chair reached out to advertise a lecturer positions that just opened. This could be a great opportunity for someone seeking a job in college teaching. The job has long-term potential and could also serve as a strong stepping stone to other positions in college teaching. Michigan Math PhDs are…

Want to teach math to kids in Harlem this summer?

BEAM (Bridge to Enter Advanced Mathematics) is an enrichment program for kids in New York and LA. They are still hiring teachers for their West Harlem campus to teach Math Team Strategies or Applied Math this summer. You’d be committing to 2-3 hours/day for 5 weeks and you’d be supporting some incredible students! If you’re…

Interesting GSI position in Math for Fall ’19

Math 385 is hiring a GSI. The deadline to apply is June 7, tomorrow! Apply here now. Math 385  is one of three math courses for future elementary teachers taught by the math department. The focus of the course is developing the students’ mathematical voice and reasoning abilities, while carefully defining, and deducing beloved properties…

Daniel Irvine and Jasmine Powell Named Outstanding Graduate Student Instructor

Only 20 students are recognized annually by Rackham Graduate School Daniel Irvine and Jasmine Powell have received Rackham Outstanding Graduate Student Instructor Awards. The Rackham Outstanding Graduate Student Instructor awards recognize the efforts and accomplishments of GSIs who demonstrate extraordinary dedication and excellence as teachers. A University-wide award, only 20 graduate students are recognized annually.…

Unique GSI position for Fall 2019

Interested in teaching something different? Psychology is hiring a GSI for their statistics course! You are eminently qualified! This is a chance to learn something new, get  more diverse teaching experience, and meet new people.  The deadline is approaching fast, so apply now. Note that you can likely learn “R” this summer as a small…

Innovative Teaching Opportunity: full funding

The Sweetland Writing Center offers Math (and all Rackham) PhD students  a great opportunity to do something different to support themselves, and to get additional training especially valuable for those planning to pursue a career in academia. Please consider applying! Our own Rachel Webb won one of these fellowships, and enjoyed her teaching appointment through it. The…