Through a partnership with the UM Sustainable Food Program, the UM Campus Farm and Matthaei Botanical Gardens, the Food Citizenship Project will facilitate a food systems summer immersion program for incoming undergraduate students associated with the Comprehensive Studies Program (CSP).
What does food have to do with college? Have you ever eaten a green zebra? How does your lunch relate to climate change?
This connection will introduce you to sustainable food systems, highlighting how food is deeply tied to our health, the environment, culture, and issues of justice and equity. Throughout these 4 weeks, you will be exposed to a many resources on campus including opportunities for funding, interdisciplinary faculty, student groups, research opportunities, the Campus Farm and gardens, cooking projects and the botanical gardens and arboretum.
What’s on your Plate? Exploring sustainable food through health, environment and culture will meet in the Dana Building each Thursday (July 21-Aug 11), although several weeks will involve short walking field trips to different parts of campus. Students will learn about the Food and the Environment minor, be given priority for summer funding, and will have enrollment preference for the Fall PitE food systems seminar for first year students.