2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 | 2025
- Jerry Ann Hebron, Lesli Hoey, Devita Davison, Lilly Fink Shapiro, Winona Bynum | “Setting the Table for Food Literacy for All: Discovering Multiple Paths for Food Systems Change”January 15, 2019Jerry Ann Hebron, Lesli Hoey, Devita Davison, Lilly Fink Shapiro, Winona Bynum What are the diverse ways to work towards food systems change? In this first class of the semester, you’ll get a glimpse into various paths from… Read more: Jerry Ann Hebron, Lesli Hoey, Devita Davison, Lilly Fink Shapiro, Winona Bynum | “Setting the Table for Food Literacy for All: Discovering Multiple Paths for Food Systems Change”
- Mónica Ramírez | “Seeding Justice: Ensuring Just Conditions for Those Who Feed the World”January 22, 2019 Famworkers pick, pack and plant the food that we eat, but they often do not have enough food for themselves and their families. Mónica Ramírez, a prominent migrant rights advocate with more than two decades of experience,… Read more: Mónica Ramírez | “Seeding Justice: Ensuring Just Conditions for Those Who Feed the World”
- Sean Sherman | “The (R)evolution of Indigenous Food Systems of North America”January 29, 2019 Sean Sherman, Oglala Lakota from the Pine Ridge reservation, and the founder of the company The Sioux Chef is committed to revitalizing Native American cuisine. Through his research, he has uncovered and mapped out the foundations of… Read more: Sean Sherman | “The (R)evolution of Indigenous Food Systems of North America”
- Panel Discussion | “The Politics, Ecology, and Future of Seeds”February 5, 2019 Eric Kampe, Krista Isaacs, Antonio Rafael What is the significance of seeds in our food system? Who owns our seeds and why does it matter? What are GMOs and how does gene editing technology relate to issues… Read more: Panel Discussion | “The Politics, Ecology, and Future of Seeds”
- Elizabeth Yeampierre | “Climate Justice: The Roots Will Weather The Storm”Feburary 19, 2019 Elizabeth Yeampierre is a internationally recognized Puerto Rican attorney and environmental and climate justice leader of African and Indigenous ancestry born and raised in New York City. She will be spoke about the intersection of climate justice… Read more: Elizabeth Yeampierre | “Climate Justice: The Roots Will Weather The Storm”
- Panel Discussion | “The Story of Food Waste: Connecting Crickets, Compost, and Consumers”February 26, 2019 Meg Burritt, Anthony Hatinger, Renee Wallace Hear from three Detroiters who are innovating solutions to address the problem of food waste. How do issues of wasted food affect our local and global food system? Are there ways… Read more: Panel Discussion | “The Story of Food Waste: Connecting Crickets, Compost, and Consumers”
- Anna Lappé | “Island Earth: Chemicals, Climate, and the Future of Eating”March 12, 2019 In this engaging talk, author and activist Anna Lappé takes us down history lane, from the origins of our chemically dependent, petroleum-addicted agricultural system to the corporate conglomerates who dominate that system today. Lappé traces the many… Read more: Anna Lappé | “Island Earth: Chemicals, Climate, and the Future of Eating”
- Christopher Gardner | “Stealth Nutrition”March 19, 2019 Most people have plenty of room for improvement in the healthfulness of what they choose to eat and drink. The food industry has proven to be resourceful and clever in marketing a never-ending line of tasty, convenient… Read more: Christopher Gardner | “Stealth Nutrition”
- Shirley Sherrod | “Food Literacy vs. Food Access: Can one be addressed in isolation of the other?”March 26, 2019 This discussion will focus on what should be the intersectionality of food access and food literacy as they relate to people of color in the rural South. SouthWest Georgia will be presented as a case study. A… Read more: Shirley Sherrod | “Food Literacy vs. Food Access: Can one be addressed in isolation of the other?”
- Samina Raja | “Rustbelt Radicalism Revisited: How Community Action Spurs Food Systems [Policy] Transformation”April 2, 2019 Much like in the rest of the country, food systems in Buffalo, NY have been overlooked in local government planning and policy. Yet, the food system has played a key role in the rustbelt city’s history and… Read more: Samina Raja | “Rustbelt Radicalism Revisited: How Community Action Spurs Food Systems [Policy] Transformation”
- Dara Cooper | “Black Feminist Freedom Dreams: Food Sovereignty and the Urgency of Intersectional Movement Building”April 9, 2019 What will it take to truly transform the food system? What is ultimately our north star within the food movement? During this presentation, food movement activist and organizer Dara Cooper, National Organizer for the National Black Food… Read more: Dara Cooper | “Black Feminist Freedom Dreams: Food Sovereignty and the Urgency of Intersectional Movement Building”
- Panel Discussion | “Radicalizing Food Systems Education: Perspectives from Detroit to Chiapas”April 16, 2019Kevin Frank, Bruce Ferguson, Helda Morales, Monique Thompson While nutrition and cooking classes are an important part of (re)educating the public about healthier food options, does it go far enough to motivate wider actions that address environmental problems,… Read more: Panel Discussion | “Radicalizing Food Systems Education: Perspectives from Detroit to Chiapas”
- Paul Greenberg | “Four Fish: The Future of the Last Wild Food”April 23, 2019 100 years ago, nearly everything we ate from the sea was wild. Today more than half of our seafood is coming from farms. This epochal shift is something we haven’t seen since humans first turned from hunter/gathering… Read more: Paul Greenberg | “Four Fish: The Future of the Last Wild Food”