Nia Dubon-Robinson
What is your preferred first name (full name or nickname)?
Nia (Nee-ah)
Where did you grow up?
I grew up within the many neighborhoods of Detroit, MI, but now my immediate family resides in Morningside, on the city’s Eastside.
Where did you attend undergrad and what was your major?
I graduated Emory University in 2019 double majoring in Environmental Science and Sociology.
How did you become interested in food systems?
Early on, I became conscious of food systems from visiting my father, a generational coffee farmer in Marcala, La Paz, Honduras. His explanation of biodynamic and agroforestry practices sparked many questions about how other crop-specific regions grow food while considering the ecology of the land. Since then, I have had work experience farming and managing gardens forming a deeper connection to my food system.
How did you become interested in food systems?
To me, transforming food systems requires a collective understanding of the meaning behind land sovereignty. Returning the power of agricultural political and industrial stakeholders to farmers and farmworkers can allow for intentional production to feed communities and regenerate agroecosystems.
What do you do in your free time?
I love to spend time outside on a nice sunny day, cooking for friends and family, and exploring seed catalogs in the winter for the upcoming growing season!