Farming and Agroecology – Sustainable Food Systems Initiative

Top Farming and Agroecology Videos

Raj Patel | “The Long Green Revolution”

January 31st, 2017 Everything we understand today about the food system, from its influence on wage work to the nation-state, has its origins in the 15th century. By looking at these origins, the politics of feeding the world in the last century, and 21st century ways of re-imagining them, it becomes easier to see how food’s impact on the social fabric of everyday life too often remains hidden.

Monica White | “Freedom Farmers: Black Agricultural Cooperatives and Building Sustainable Communities”

March 21, 2017 Monica White examines the work of Black sharecroppers and tenant farmers of the late 1960s who fought for the right to participate in the food system as producers and to earn a living wage in the face of racially, socially, and politically repressive conditions.

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